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iOS 16: New Apple apps and interactions with the system

The new operating system for the iPhone iOS 16 should have new apps created by Apple and new mode of interaction with the system. In addition to these innovations, a new system of notifications and features for sports and health should arrive.

iOS 16: new Apple apps and system interactions are coming

In his newsletter for Bloomberg Power On, Mark Gurman continued to talk about the news coming up on iOS 16 and iPadOS 16, the new interactions of mobile operating systems for Apple. Unfortunately, Gurman does not go into much detail this time, limiting himself to saying that rumors close to Cupertino speak of “new ways to interact”With the operating system.

He also talks about “fresh Apple apps”That should arrive on the two operating systems. We don’t know what Apple has in mind, even if the renewed focus on salute and at sport they might give us some clues. Or, finally, one might arrive calculator for iPad, putting an end to memes on the subject.

ios 16 features everything we know

In view of the WWDC 2022 in June, Gurman has already repeatedly talked about the possible news coming for the Apple. It seems there won’t be no graphic revolutionwith widgets that will remain similar to those seen in iOS 15. Although users hope they can become more interactive.

However, an updated version of the notifications, which makes it easier to take full advantage of them. Also we talk about new functions for health and fitnesswith perhaps some news on the way for the Health app.

Gurman also explained that “the changes for watchOS 9 will also be significant “. Here, too, she has certainly not exaggerated with the details. But it seems that the news could also concern notifications and tracking of sports activities in this case.

We will keep you updated for all the news, waiting for the official announcements of the WWDC 2022.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.