Italian Video Game Awards 2022: ecco le nomination thumbnail

Italian Video Game Awards 2022: svelate le nomination

Italian Video Game Awards 2022: ecco le nomination thumbnail

IIDEAthe association representing the gaming industry in Italy, has announced the nominations for the 10th edition of the Italian Video Game Awards. The review, as every year, celebrates the excellence of video game production in Italy.

Unveiled the nominations of the Italian Video Game Awards 2022

The awards event will take place July 5, 2022 starting at 7pm and will be broadcast on the canale Twitch di First Playable. For all the details on the next edition of the Italian Video Game Awards it is possible consult the official website.

The jury of the review, for this edition, is composed of:

  • Rami Ismail, independent developer and consultant;
  • Hollie Bennett, Head of Influencers & Engagement di Frontier Developments;
  • Jon Goddard, Senior Director of Corporate Brand & Communications di Lockwood Publishing;
  • Richie Shoemaker, editor of MCV/DEVELOP; Sam Loveridge, Global Editor-in-Chief at GamesRadar,
  • Vikki Blake, freelance journalist who collaborates with BBC, Eurogamer,, MTV and PC Gamer.

Here, however, are the nominations:

Best Italian Game

  • Says Legacy of DESTINYbit
  • Faraday Protocol di Red Koi Box
  • Hot Wheels Unleashed di Milestone
  • Martha is Dead di LKA
  • Vesper di Cordens Interactive

Best Italian Debut Game

  • Angry Giant di Jokerrsoft
  • Faraday Protocol di Red Koi Box
  • Nostalgic Anonymous by Hufu Interactive Storytelling
  • RiMS Racing di RaceWard Studio
  • Vesper di Cordens Interactive

Best Innovation

  • CUCCCHI by Fantastico Studio
  • Says Legacy of DESTINYbit
  • Hundred Days – Winemaking Simulator di Broken Arms Games
  • Martha is Dead di LKA
  • Vesper di Cordens Interactive

Note that the Outstanding Italian Company and Outstanding Individual Contribution awards are also available. These awards will go to reward the Italian professional and company who have distinguished themselves most during the year.

The comment

Thalita Malago, General Manager of IIDEA, declares: “For this tenth edition of the award we have had the great honor of working with a very prestigious jury that in the past weeks has evaluated the candidates and selected the finalists with great attention and impartiality. Now we are curious to discover and celebrate the winners together! “

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.