Spotify Blend, la playlist condivisa con gli amici thumbnail

It’s official: Spotify is down

It's official: Spotify is down thumbnail

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AND Spotify down. As of late afternoon today, the application appears to be completely out of order. During these hours, in fact, users reported that opening the App from a mobile device starts an access flow, which then never ends. Even if the username and password are correct. A real problem, which was also confirmed by the streaming platform on Twitter. Yet despite this, no solution seems to have been found yet.

Spotify down: the App has been out of order since late afternoon today

The Spotify App has been down for now, and Twitter is literally filling up with users complaining about the inability to stream their favorite music. “We are aware of the problem and have posted an update on @SpotifyStatus. We will publish another update when things get back to normal “, so the platform replied to the hundreds of people who reported the problem on the Net. Then, just an hour later, a tweet from Spotify arrived announcing that everything was about to return. to normal. Apparently, however, it doesn’t really seem to have been the case.

Indeed, the resumption of activity on the music streaming platform has been very slow. What is the cause of Spotify’s down? We are still not clear, yet the platform seems pretty sure that it is not the action of a hacker. After all, too Discord reported quite a few problems of use today, just in conjunction with those shown by Spotify. In any case, at the moment the application seems to be working again. And we say it as we are writing this news and listening to our favorite music from the App. But let’s hope everyone stays that way, at least for the next few hours. And then again from tomorrow.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.