James Dyson Award 2022, ecco i tre vincitori thumbnail

James Dyson Award 2022, here are the three winners

Three winners announced James Dyson Award 2022all projects focused on health and the environment: SmartHEAL, Polyformer e Ivvy. Three projects that exploit technology to improve everyday life, in an apparently simple but sophisticated way.

The winners of the James Dyson Awards 2022

Over the years the James Dyson Awards have given over £1 million to 300 inventions. For this year, there are two global winners who they will receive 35,700 euros and two runners-up, who receive 5.700 euro. To take inventions to the next level.

On the cover you see SmartHEALinvented by Tomasz Raczyński, Dominik Baraniecki and Piotr Walter of the Warsaw Polytechnic University in Poland. It is a pH sensor which allows you to analyze the conditions of a wound, and then communicate them via RFID. In this way you can understand the state of healing without discovering the wound.

2022 James Dyson Award Sustainability Winner Polyformer 2 min

Instead, it wins in the sustainability category Polyformerinvented by Swaleh Owais and Reiten Cheng of McMaster University in Canada. This is a low cost device that transforms plastic bottles into filaments for 3D printers, allowing you to recycle and lower the costs of 3D printers.

Ivvyinvented by Charlotte Blancke from the University of Antwerp in Belgium, won second place for a device for administering fluids and drugs by cannula or needle at a controlled rate. Instead of an IV pole, patients can use a wearable device with built-in software for nurses to monitor the administration.

JDA November 2022 Global runner up Ivvy 5 min

James Dyson commented: “Each year, the James Dyson Award offers proof of young people’s passion for improving the planet and solving environmental and medical problems. There are people dealing with topics that are close to their hearts, but these young inventors are doing something more productive: are diligently engaging in solving problems through engineering, science and an ingenious design”.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.