Jeff Ross di Days Gone entra in Crystal Dynamics: aperte più di 50 posizioni lavorative thumbnail

Jeff Ross joins Crystal Dynamics: is the director working on Tomb Raider?

Days Gone's Jeff Ross joins Crystal Dynamics: more than 50 jobs open thumbnail

The director of Days Gone, Jeff Rossjoined Crystal Dynamics as design director. Ross announced his new role on Tuesday in a tweet aimed at advertising nearly 50 job vacancies at the studio Square Enix. Most likely these offers are aimed at seeking talent for the development of the new Tomb Raider chapter.

Jeff Ross di Days Gone entra in Crystal Dynamics

“I am thrilled to announce that I now work at the incredible Crystal Dynamics as a Design Director,” he wrote. “This is all I can say apart from the fact that I am thrilled with the project, and above all with the team of truly wonderful people.” Game director Ross and writer / director John Garvin, the two most experienced creatives behind Days Gone, had already announced their departure from Sony’s Bend Studio in December 2020.

Both creatives have worked in the US studio (formerly known as Eidetic) since its founding in the mid-1990s after writing and designing the action game for PSOne. siphon filter and its sequels.

The pair are said to have left Bend following an internal conflict over the studio’s future direction, after Sony rejected development of the studio. Days Gone 2. Last September it was announced that Xbox had signed a contract with Crystal Dynamics to co-develop Perfect Dark, the debut title from its new in-house studio The Initiative.

But this is not the only project that is brewing for the software house, since it should also be currently working on the new chapter of Tomb Raider.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.