Kaspersky: nel 2021 è cresciuto il numero di file malevoli individuati ogni giorno thumbnail

Kaspersky: The number of malicious files detected every day has grown in 2021

Kaspersky: The number of malicious files detected every day increased in 2021 thumbnail

Kaspersky detected a growth of malicious files identified by its systems in the course of 2021 and in comparison with the 2020 data. These data emerge from the new Kaspersky Security Bulletin: Statistics of the Year Report which photographs the evolution recorded over the last 12 months.

Kaspersky confirms a new increase in the number of malicious files

Data from the Kaspersky Security Bulletin: Statistics of the Year Report confirms the presence of 380,000 malicious files detected per day. This figure translates into an increase of + 5.7% compared to 2020 data. This increase is correlated, Kaspersky points out, also to the continuous increase in the number of devices used all over the world.

Furthermore, according to the data collected by Kaspersky, 91% of threats were spread via WindowsPE files, a file format specific to Windows systems. Also noteworthy is a strong growth (+ 57%) in threats associated with the Linux operating system. About 54% of the threats Kaspersky detected included unspecified Trojans. Trojan droppers grew by + 2.2%, as did that of worms (+ 117%).

The full Kaspersky report is available online via the portale Securelist.

Kaspersky’s comment

Giampaolo Dedola, Senior Security Researcher at Kaspersky GReAT, states: “During 2021, we detected 20,000 more malicious files per day than in the previous year. This is a rather predictable scenario, as online activities have multiplied following the adoption of remote working around the world. In addition, the number of devices used has also increased worldwide, leading to an expansion of the attack surface exposed to threats “

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.