Lo smartphone di Kendrick Lamar riporta il telefono alle sue funzionalità essenziali thumbnail

Kendrick Lamar’s smartphone brings the phone back to its essential features

Kendrick Lamar's smartphone brings the phone back to its essential features thumbnail

The chaotic and stressful digital life could soon have a valid alternative thanks to the new smartphone that is about to be launched by pgLangthe music and visual media company founded by Kendrick Lamar e Dave Free.

It is a minimalist phone, offering only the essential functions for communicating and organizing your day.

What do we know about pgLang Phone, lo smartphone di Kendrick Lamar

The device is called pgLang Phone and was born from the collaboration with the technological company Lightwhich in 2018 created the Light Phone 2a device based on Android but with a very simple and bare-bones operating system: the LightOS. This allows you to only make calls, messages, contacts and alarms, eliminating all other distracting and battery-draining applications.

The phone comes with an elegant but sober design, with a e-ink display that resembles that of an eReader. The screen, therefore, does not tire the eyes like the OLED or AMOLED displays of traditional smartphones. The color of the phone is a light blue, which recalls the logo of the pgLang company. You can admire it in the video below.

The pgLang Phone will be available in a limited edition from November 2nd on the pgLang website, with only 250 pieces for sale. The price has not yet been communicated, but it is assumed that it is similar to that of the Light Phone 2 (which costs around 300 euros).

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.