Arriva Kingdom Maker: un nuovo gioco mobile ambientato nel Medioevo thumbnail

Kingdom Maker is coming: a new mobile game set in the Middle Ages

Kingdom Maker is coming: a new mobile game set in the Middle Ages thumbnail

Kingdom Maker is Scopely’s new mobile game that combines real-time strategy, role-playing and simulation. The game is a free multiplayer, available on both Android and iOS devices, which takes players on a decidedly irreverent and unconventional medieval adventure. All through epic fights and a very high rate of narrative customization.

“The original world we created brings a sense of humor to the strategic genre and allows for an unrivaled level of personalization,” he said. Steve Huff, President Games of Scopely. “Being a deeply social experience, the game is designed to evolve with players for years to come”

The Kingdom Maker trailer

Through the customization of the gameplay, players will be able to give life to their imagination, creating stories and worlds characterized by medieval taste. Here they can clash in battles and give birth to loves, or pull the strings by hatching dark political machinations.

The game in a nutshell:

  • Noble families: Create your own dynasty. Nobles can be used for combat, dungeon exploration, romance, as well as subterfuges and deceptions.
  • Huge real-time battles: Fight until the attacked city falls or the invaders run out of expendable villagers. Each battle can be seen by the whole community and anyone can choose to participate.
  • City construction: Build and upgrade huge walls and dozens of unique buildings to form a kingdom that generates resources, troops, items, people and power!
  • Control of the territory: Conquer territory in the vast world by controlling strategic points.
  • Customizable armies: Grow commanders and recruit champions to lead the offensive and earn equipment to upgrade battalions and gain an advantage for victory. Here comes the catapult!
  • Alliances: Gather friends under one banner and pursue complete and absolute domination. Or do something boring, like making a peace deal or trading assets.
Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.