Klarna ha ideato Creator Platform, per mettere in contatto creator e brand thumbnail

Klarna created the Creator Platform, to connect creators and brands

Klarna presented Creator Platforma platform created with the aim of connecting creators with brands.

Creator Platform di Klarna

The space created by Klarna allows retailers to better engage their target audience and increase collaborations with influencers and creatorsgiving the latter the possibility to maximize the potential income and offer followers to review the most interesting products.

Klarna, a global leader in banking, payment and shopping, thus enters the influencer marketing market, which is currently worth 16 billion dollars. With Creator Platform, it makes its own available 450.000 merchant in the world a new strategic channel, useful to further expand the service of affiliate marketing of the company.

The creation of Creator Platform was made possible thanks to to the acquisition of APPRL in 2021 and was launched in the United States in October of this year. Now it’s finally available worldwide.

In the world of shopping, creators are essential. A recent report also revealed that theItalia it ranks fourth in the world for influencers’ ability to guide consumer purchases. What remains challenging for creators is finding the balance between running a scalable business and creating unique content.

On the other hand, the difficulties faced by merchants lie in the difficulty of identifying the most suitable creators and in measuring engagement with their target audience.

Creator Platform, therefore, is especially useful for solving these problems, putting brands and creators in contact and greatly simplifying process phases such as signature of collaborations, choice of products, tips for followers and so on.

In addition, merchants have access to a pool of over 500,000 creators worldwide.

The statements of the Head of Social Shopping and the Creator and Fashion Director of Klarna

“Every minute creators waste managing paperwork is valuable time they could have spent creating engaging content,” he said. Martin Landen, Founder of APPRL and Head of Social Shopping in Klarna.

“By offering access to affiliations, brand campaigns and gifting with the world’s most relevant brands, Klarna empowers creators to monetize their influence and focus on creating quality content. At the same time, Klarna helps retailers resolve the uncertainties surrounding influencer partnerships by identifying the talent that best fits their brand and the channels that drive the best results.”

To echo come the statements of Emilia de Poret, Creator and Fashion Director of Clarna: “With its simple and fluid interface, the Klarna Creator Platform is a must-have for all creators, whether they’re just starting out or already have a large following. By giving you the ability to choose from thousands of products to recommend to your followers with a simple click, the Creator Platform makes it easier than ever to generate return traffic. Furthermore, thanks to real-time insights in a single overview, you can find out what your followers like, favoring the creation of better and more relevant content“.

Klarna Creator Platform 2

How the platform works

  • After connecting their e-commerce page to Klarna, the merchant chooses the products they want to promote and sets their preferred commission level to reward the creators.
  • In just a few clicks, selected creators can generate links to add to their social media content and start earning immediately.
  • To work with specific creators, the merchant can filter Klarna’s global creator database or simply browse through suggestions generated by Klarna’s artificial intelligence to find the most suitable one.
  • Merchants can explore the profiles of different creators based on data such as: reach, conversion rates, audience location and best performing products.
  • The platform includes a direct messaging feature where creators and brands can chat and manage gifting requests.
  • Content that drives traffic to the merchant’s page is instantly visible on Klarna dashboards, so you can track clicks and sales generated by individual creators in real time.
  • By comparing the performance of individual creators, brands can shift budget towards the most effective ones, maximizing their return on investment.
  • In turn, creators can view the best performing products and brands on their dashboard, so they can understand what works best for their audience.
  • Invoicing is handled automatically by the Creator Platform: creators receive all payments with a simple monthly invoice, while Klarna takes care of the administrative and tax procedures.

For more information on Creator Platform you can consult the following link.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.