La recensione di Let's School: pronti a diventare Preside di una scuola? thumbnail

Let’s School review: ready to become a school principal?

The time to vent all the frustrations felt in school has arrived. The time to take the destiny of a school into our own hands has arrived. In short, Let’s School has arrived! This is the new management software of Pathea Gamessoftware house known for My Time At Portiawhich allows us to manage the school of our dreams. With a retro graphic style, many structures to build and parameters to take into consideration, this title aims to give new life to the management software genre, will it have succeeded? Let’s find out in this review of Let’s School

Let’s School review: “This year there are exams!

Set in a rural town and with a strong reference to the charm of the small villages of Japan, Let’s School will allow us to build and manage a school and its students. In fact, we will be entrusted with a ruined school, which we will have to rebuild, manage and ultimately transform into a center of excellence. To do this it will be necessary attract students, hire staff, create courses, manage money, design the building and maintain discipline among the kids long enough for him to pass his exams and thus raise the school’s level of prestige.

To recruit students from different towns, you will need to open new admission centers as the game progresses and build the necessary facilities to meet all the needs of students and staff. In fact, both have their own characteristics, needs and duties we will have to keep them happy to be able to reap the results of their study/work and become the best school in the state.

Let's School

Let's School

Pathea Games

18,99 €

“But do you do this at home?!”

Lets School recensione1

To keep students and teachers happy and functioning, it is necessary to offer them the right structures to perform at their best. Construction is a central element of Let’s School. Buildings represent the ability to manage the challenges that each semester will present. We’ll start with a dilapidated structure (which doubles as a tutorial); a miserable collection of corridors and ruined wooden structures that will have to be expanded and restored.

Between classrooms, bathrooms, teachers’ rooms, kitchens, research rooms and so on, the number of structures to be built is quite large and careful planning will be necessary to be able to exploit all the space that the school offers. Added to these are also decorations, which are essential for keeping staff and students happy and improving their performance. Elements such as trees, posters, water fountains and waste bins serve a more peripheral function than a research laboratory, but equally important in keeping the school tidy. Everything has a clear influence on the general school environment.

“If you pay attention in class, then you have to study half as much!”

Lets School

Certainly the central mechanic of the game is that of lessons, of student grades and semesters to pass. As student achievement succeeds, the prestige of the school will improve, and with it, income and with it, well, everything else. But the task (Does it happen?? Task!) won’t be easy. In fact, we will have to manage the lessons of first, second and third year students in semesters and keep up with the times to provide them with increasingly advanced courses.

For this reason we will have to look for new lessons and provide refresher courses to teachers to specialize them more and more. The success of each student will inevitably depend on their success. This significantly increases the difficulty of the game that will offer you a truly remarkable degree of challenge between lessons to follow, research to carry out, students to study, bullies to punish and obviously i earthquakes. Oh yes, in Let’s School our math report card is not the only disaster we may encounter. In fact, fires and earthquakes can occur and we will have to secure our beloved students before the calamity.

“Look at your paper, don’t copy!”

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At this point in the review, veteran players will surely have noticed similarities between Let’s School and other games of the genre, first of all the Two Point is SEGA. And yes, you are right.

Let’s School is undoubtedly inspired by the mechanics of these titles but fortunately it manages to do so by developing its own language and style, starting from the graphics. We are far from the crazy and colorful climate of the Two Points; Two Point’s bright colors are muted into warm autumn tones and light pastel shades. The character designs seem deliberately boxy as do the textures of the buildingsleft deliberately “raw”.

Although this choice may make some players who are now accustomed to much more important graphics turn up their noses, we liked it and it reminded us that management systems prefer to focus on other features. It must be said though we find the same graphic simplicity in the UI of the game, something we would have gladly avoided. It might take a little too long before you get the hang of where the various categories are located and how to navigate the menus.

Let’s School review in brief

The potential of Let’s School is excellent and has nothing to envy of the great titles of the management genre. The nature of the game means that new features, updates and possible expansions can further expand it in increasingly compelling ways. In fact, during the writing of this review, a free update (New Semester) introduced school events and clubs as well as new maps and objects.

LThe strength of Let’s School lies precisely in the large quantity of elements to keep under control that will bring out that desire to organize and manage places and people that drives us fans of the genre crazy.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.