LG è la prima azienda al mondo per numero di brevetti collegati al metaverso thumbnail

LG is first in the number of patents related to the metaverse

LG is the first company in the world for the number of patents related to the thumbnail metaverse

The metaverse was one of the tech world trends of 2022 and LG is among its main supporters. Even if the Korean house has not been particularly active in the development of solutions related to the metaverse, the data relating to patents filed linked to this sector see it at the forefront of the development of what could be the new reference in the tech world over the next few years.

LG is the company with the largest number of metaverse-related patents

Surprisingly, LG leads the way in the ranking of the largest number of patent applications related to the metaverse compiled by the Cyber ​​Creative Institute. The Korean company, with its research and development department, is working with great attention to future applications related to the metaverse.

Behind LG, in the ranking by number of patents for the metaverse, we find Samsung e Meta occupying the second and third positions respectively. Also noteworthy is the presence of Huaweiin fourth place, which precedes Microsoft e Applein fifth and sixth place respectively.

It is in sixth place Sony which with its PlayStation division is aiming at the world of virtual reality and can look at the metaverse with great interest. The ranking by country, on the other hand, sees the United States in first place with 57% of the total number of patents.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.