LinkedIn presenta il Barometro del primo impiego 2022 in Italia thumbnail

LinkedIn presents the Barometer of the first 2022 employment in Italy

LinkedIn shared the results of the Barometer of first use 2022. Published by the LinkedIn News editorial team and produced in collaboration with the Economic Graph team, the research – in its second edition for Italy – analyzes the sectors e the areas in which he registered the highest number of entry level candidates hires in 2021 and so on.

LinkedIn presents the Barometer of the first 2022 Employment in Italy

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If we look in detail, in the course of 2021, the sectors with the highest number of recruitments for entry-level figures are the following:

  • IT and IT Services: position that confirms the digital acceleration underway in our country increased with the pandemic period;
  • Machinery manufacturing;
  • Business consultancy services;
  • Manufacture of means of transport;
  • Pharmaceutical;
  • Catering services;
  • Advertising services;
  • Media and Telecommunications;
  • Clothing and fashion;
  • Accounting.
  • In addition to the top ten relating to industrial sectors, LinkedIn has also compiled the ranking of 10 job title which in 2021 registered the higher overall number of hires of candidates at the beginning of their careers. In the first place we can find the figure ofSales clerkfollowed by Software engineer and from‘Clerk.

    Later we find Graphic designer e Project manager, Pharmacist e Store. Finally, the figures of Cameriere, Receptionist e Account manager. LinkedIn also listed the Italian provinces with the highest overall number of hires. On the podium we find Milan, Rome e Napoli.

    We find then Bologna e Firenzerespectively in fourth and fifth place, followed by Bergamo, Turin, Padua and Genoa. In last position Palermothe second of the two southern provinces present in the ranking.

    Compared to 2021, the first months of 2022 show an increase in the number of applications for positions of I work remotely in different age groups. If previously it was considered an exception, remote working has now become a custom and also a working dimension much more appreciated by workers.

    Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.