Mark Zuckerberg posta il meme di Spider-Man su Twitter per promuovere Threads thumbnail

Mark Zuckerberg posts Spider-Man meme on Twitter to make fun of Musk

Mark Zuckerberg posts Spider-Man meme on Twitter to promote Threads thumbnail

And also this week Mark Zuckerberg ed Elon Musk they gave us a weekly episode of the soap opera about them, this time setting everything up their Twitter.

The founder of Facebook and supreme head of Meta has in fact published a tweet, his first in over 10 years. After so much silence, one would expect a witty and reasoned post, and instead Zuckerberg shared a meme. On the contrary, the meme par excellence: that of the two Spider-Mans pointing at each other. It is also interesting to note how Zuckerberg’s Twitter profile is blue tick orphanwhich as we know is now the preserve of Twitter Blue subscribers.

But let’s go back to the meme: an apparently trivial post that however hides a deeper meaning.

What does the meme posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Twitter mean?

The meme was posted yesterday, the day Meta officially launched Threads, its own social platform that aims to compete with Twitter. It is therefore utterly ironic that Zuckerberg returns to Twitter to post a meme that somehow is a form of marketing for your new platform. A maneuver that takes on even more value if we take into account that Mark Zuckerberg’s last tweet dated back to January 18, 2012.

In the meantime, as we reported in another article, the launch of Threads has already caused a boom in subscribers in just a few hours. We’re talking about more than five million users, a record figure in such a short time, even more so if we consider for now the app is only available on the App Store for iOS users and hasn’t arrived in Europe yet.

How will Elon Musk react to this provocation? Let’s hope nothing walrus move.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.