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Marvel: Special Effects Artists Join Union

The strike of screenwriters and specialized cinema technicians continues and is getting stronger, this time it concerns the artists specializing in special effects of Marvel Studios: let’s find out the details together

Let’s go back to the topic of the strike that is taking place in the United States among workers in the cinema world and which aims to finally change many aspects, especially economic ones. In this case we are at Marvel Studios, where even the artists specializing in special effects have decided to join the IATSE union or the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees.

Marvel: Special Effects Artists Join Union

Technicians, craftsmen, and experts in the world of cinema and TV are represented within IATSE, including set designers, operators, editors, costume designers, lighting operators and many other technical specializations. In these days the artists in VFX and their category are added. These artists are responsible for digital visual effects, essential for films such as those produced at Marvel Studios. In particular, more than fifty Marvel Studios employees voted in favor of the proposal to be represented by a union. The request is to have fair wages for their work compared to other categories and also more defined working hours, within greater protection.

Below, the official press release with which Mark Patch who covers the role of VFX organizer for IATSE announces what has been decided:

“For nearly half a century, visual effects workers have been denied the same protections and denied benefits as their colleagues and other crew members have counted on since the inception of the Hollywood motion picture industry. This is a historic first step for VFX experts to join forces with a collective voice demanding respect for the work they do.”

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Magdalena Skrok is an accomplished writer who delves into the realm of new movies and TV series. With an unwavering passion for cinematic storytelling, Magdalena keeps readers informed about the latest releases, upcoming projects, and exciting developments in the world of entertainment.