Matrix il Risveglio: in arrivo un'esperienza interattiva in Unreal Engine 5 thumbnail

Matrix the Awakening: an interactive experience coming to Unreal Engine 5

Available for a few hours for preload on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S, Matrix the Awakening is an interactive experience developed with the graphics engine Unreal Engine 5. The official publication date is set for December 9, on the occasion of The Game Awards and weighs more than 25 GB, a size that bodes well for the actual contents of this experience.

Matrix the Awakening: the experience in Unreal Engine 5

The news of the arrival of the preload of Matrix the Awakening does not come exactly like a bolt from the blue, since this experience had already been widely anticipated by a leak of the PlayStation Store. Now, however, we have the official information available, which reveals, among other things, that this application was created by the members of the crew from the first film.

Among these the director stands out Lana Wachowski, Keanue Reeves e Carrie-Anne Moss. Here is what you read in the official description:

“Made by members of the original film crew, including Lana Wachowski, along with Epic Games and associates,” Martrix, Awakening: An Experience on Unreal Engine 5 “is a crazy journey into the distorted universe of the Matrix, featuring Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss. Want to see what can be created by combining the power of Unreal Engine 5 and PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X | S? Enter the world of one of the most iconic action film sagas ever made (…) Get ready for a taste of interactive storytelling and entertainment with UE5 in this free demo with real-time technology and a cinematic component that pushes all boundaries. ”

Based on the information for now disclosed it seems quite clear that the one we will find in our hands on December 9 should be one tech demo, designed to showcase the power of the new Unreal Engine 5 graphics engine, winking at Matrix fans.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.