Mercedes-Benz porta l'AI nelle automobili: tutte le novità del CES 2024 thumbnail

Mercedes-Benz brings AI to cars: all the news from CES 2024

Mercedes-Benz he revealed to CES 2024 a series of innovations that redefine the vision of user experience, taking full advantage of the potential of AI. The new virtual assistant MBUX It focuses on advanced software and generative artificial intelligence to create an even more natural relationship with the car. But there are many new features: from the integration of Audible e Amazon Musicto the entertainment collaboration with All observable in Concept CLA Class introduces Las Vegas.

Mercedes-Benz brings generative AI to cars at CES 2024

Enough said ‘Hey Mercedes’ to talk to your car, interacting with the Unity graphics engine and the new operating system Mercedes-Benz (MB.OS) via a virtual assistant. A new type of experience, which we were able to preview at CES 2024 with Concept Classe CLA.

The virtual assistant MBUX was created to be the most human-like interface of a Mercedes-Benz. Generative AI integration can offer suggestions based on learned behavior and situational context. For example, it can play news in the morning or start a massage program at the end of the workday. It can also actively change the ambient lighting and sound system of the vehicle.

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A natural and personalized interaction

The MBUX virtual assistant is based on four personality traits: Natural, Predictive, Personal and Empathetic. These traits combine to create a complete entity, offering seamless interaction. There is also a graphic 3D advanced, created with the Unity graphics engine. A ‘living’ avatar that uses animations to express different emotions, for intuitive and engaging communication.

The MBUX surround navigation, integrated with MB.OS, represents a further step forward. This function matches a real view of the surrounding environment with real-time reactions of the car. The 3D view offers an intuitive and informative overview. It provides details such as the type of traffic, the presence of pedestrians and route directions overlaid on the surrounding environment.

In addition to entertainment, at CES 2024 Mercedes-Benz announces the launch of DRIVE PILOT: the first system certified for SAE level 3 conditioned automated driving in the United States. Available on selected EQS and S-Class models, DRIVE PILOT offers conditioned automated driving and will be available to customers in California e Nevada.

Mercedes-Benz al CES 2024: Concept CLA Class

With the CLA Class Concept, Mercedes-Benz offers a preview of as MB.OS will become the basis for Mercedes-Benz customizationpresenting a advanced three-screen system and a high-performance NVIDIA chip. Designed on the new Mercedes-Benz Modular Architecture (MMA), the CLA Class Concept has electric drive and pays great attention to sustainability.

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There is an’autonomy to single charge over 750km (WLTP) and efficient energy consumption. And it allows you to experience all the Mercedes-Benz innovations for 2024 and the future at CES.

Entertainment while driving

The entertainment offering improves with service RIDEVU di Sony Pictures Entertainment, which offers Mercedes-Benz customers a wide range of video content directly in the vehicle. And over-the-air updates will ensure you have access to always-up-to-date content and features.

Furthermore, digital art makes an appearance with MBUX Collectiblesan application that features NFT-based digital art and collectibles.

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Mercedes-Benz is also introducing new platforms and partnerships to improve in-car gaming. For example, collaboration with Antstream Arcade, the world’s first retro game streaming service, brings cloud gaming to the car.

Mercedes-Benz at CES 2024 announces collaborations with…

Mercedes announced at CES 2024 the launch of MBUX SOUND DRIVE, a cutting-edge technology that promises to transform the musical experience in cars. Born from the collaboration with

MBUX SOUND DRIVE technology uses sophisticated software that allows music to react in real time to the driver’s driving style. Sensors and advanced software interpret driving dynamics: acceleration, braking, steering and energy recovery, transforming them into unique musical expressions. In other words, the driver can “compose” his own music during the journey.

MBUX SOUND DRIVE is designed to transform technology into an open music platform: artists from all over the world will be able to create songs in an immersive audio format. The rollout of MBUX SOUND DRIVE will begin in mid-2024.

…and the one with Audible and Amazon Music

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At CES 2024, Mercedes-Benz also revealed the collaboration with Audible and Amazon Music. This way, users will enjoy podcasts, audiobooks and audio games in Dolby Atmos. All taking full advantage of technology immersive audio Dolby Atmos in the audio surround system Burmester 4D and 3D. These systems, available as an option on Mercedes-Benz vehicles equipped with the latest generation MBUX infotainment system, deliver immersive sound with exceptional multidimensional spatiality and clarity.

The implementation of this collaboration will begin in third quarter of 2024 with an over-the-air (OTA) update on the new E-Class and the new CLE Coupé and Cabriolet – but we will also see it (or rather we will hear it) on the next models to be released.

Mercedes-Benz at CES 2024 made it clear that it intends to focus on AI to offer its customers an increasingly personalized experience. A car on a human scale, which speaks to us and understands us. What do you think of this future for the car? Let us know in the comments.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.