Meta migliora la crittografia end-to-end su Messenger e Facebook: come funziona thumbnail

Meta improves end-to-end encryption on Messenger and Facebook: How it works

Meta is implementing the crittografia end-to-end on its platforms Messenger e Facebook. In this way, Meta will no longer have access to the contents of what users send or receive, unless a user signals this desire through a message.

End-to-end encryption also arrives on Messenger and Facebook: according to Meta

Il vice president of the company for Messenger, Loredana Crisan, said the encryption is based on Meta’s Signal protocol and Labyrinth protocol. Additionally, he said the new features announced as part of the launch took years to develop because the company’s engineers, designers, cryptographers and other staff rebuilt the app from scratch.

“We have worked closely with external experts, academics, advocates and governments to identify risks and create mitigations to ensure privacy and security go hand in hand.” This is what was stated by the vice president of Meta.

Meta Threads

What Meta’s end-to-end encryption enhancement consists of

It was the 2016 when Meta had announced the introduction of end-to-end encryption for its Facebook and Meta platforms. This improvement was supposed to be launched last year, in 2022, but there were some delaysas stated by CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

What does Meta’s end-to-end encryption implementation consist of? The company will no longer have access to messages sent and received, unless the user expresses the wish not to activate this option. The feature will be activated immediately, but it will take some time before all users can benefit from this new feature.

Those who oppose functionality

The new feature introduced by Meta on enabling end-to-end encryption has seen some naysayers. Indeed, law enforcement and child protection groups they said they were concerned and opposed end-to-end encryption by companies. Because this would mean not being able to trace messages to abused minorsshould there be any form of abuse.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.