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Microsoft and San Raffaele, artificial intelligence for healthcare

Microsoft announces a partnership with Vita-Salute San Raffaele University (UniSR) e IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital (San Donato Group), to look to the future of healthcare with artificial intelligence. Technology at the service of medicine.

Microsoft and San Raffaele, AI and the future of healthcare

Artificial intelligence allows us to make prognostic predictions, better classify patients to find the right treatments. But often these technologies do not reach clinical practice, for several factors.

For this comes a new digital platform designed to manage, catalog and classify the data of the 1,500,000 accesses of theSan Raffaele Hospital. Valuing the data itself and speeding up the diagnostic processes. This platform was born during the Covid-19 pandemic, from an idea of Antonio Esposito and Carlo Tacchettito analyze the clinical risk.

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Experimentation with AI already helps in the treatment of lung cancer, evaluating who is eligible for immunotherapy. It is also used for Value Base Healthcare, allowing wider access to targeted care. And then it is used for pathologies such as kidney cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

And the professors Carlo Tacchetti e Antonio Esposito explain: “The key word for the success of this project is synergy: the creation of multidisciplinary teams, where clinical, technological and Data Science skills are brought together, will not only allow us to continue with quick and decisive steps towards personalized medicine, but will allow our university and research center to attract specific skills also in the IT field, in close connection with the healthcare excellence that has been our point of pride for years “.

Microsoft’s added value

The partnership with Microsoft will allow UniSR to use Cloud Computing services (Machine Teaching, Digital Twins, HPC and Quantum Computing, OpenAI). But also to internalize the best AI skills and technologies.

Silvia Candiani, CEO of Microsoft Italyexplains: “We are happy to expand our collaboration with Vita-Salute San Raffaele University and IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital and we are proud to make available our Artificial Intelligence solutions and the direct skills of Microsoft Consulting at the service of improving the care of patients. “.

Paolo Rotelli, president of the Vita – Salute San Raffaele University e vice president of the San Donato Group, underlines: “The San Donato Group is the first Italian biomedical research center, which focuses on young brains in our country. Our goal is to become in two years the Italian and European point of reference for healthtech, the medicine of the future that combines Artificial Intelligence and health. “

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.