Microsoft annuncia l'arrivo di Windows 365 thumbnail

Microsoft announces the arrival of Windows 365

Microsoft announces the general availability of Windows 365, which allows you to enjoy the entire Windows 10 (and in the future Windows 11) experience streaming from the cloud. A new online service that officially marks the beginning of the new category of computers ideal for hybrid work: the Cloud PC.

Microsoft announces the availability of Windows 365

The new Cloud PC concept allows you to enjoy all the features of the Microsoft operating system in the most fluid way possible. From anywhere and with any device, workers can harness the power of Windows 10 and when Windows 11 is available. Which means a instant start. But above all the possibility of using the best applications in streaming.

Plus, with Windows 365 you can bring apps, tools, data, and even settings and customizations in every device you use, without any difficulty. Not only on Windows but also on Mac, iPad, Android and soon also on devices Linux. The experience remains consistent and entirely accessible from the cloud. You can resume work from your tablet at home picking up where you left off on your computer at work.

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As Microsoft’s CEO himself explained Satya Nadella: “With Windows 365, we are creating a new category: the Cloud PC. Just as applications were brought to the cloud with the SaaS model, we are now bringing the operating system to the cloud, providing organizations with greater flexibility and a secure way to enable their employees to be more productive and connected, regardless of their geographic location. “.

There are two versions to use depending on the size of your company. And Microsoft has prepared two guides to get you started right away. For organizations up to 300 employees you can follow the guide for Windows 365 Business, while the larger companies can read the one for Windows 365 Enterprise. Furthermore, here we leave a video of Microsoft Mechanics that offers a first look for those who have yet to convince themselves of the revolution that the Cloud PC brings.

Are you ready to bring the entire PC experience to the Cloud? You can find more information on the Microsoft website.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.