Microsoft Italia nomina Igor Salvoni come  Specialist Team Unit Lead thumbnail

Microsoft Italy appoints Igor Salvoni as Specialist Team Unit Lead

Microsoft Italy announced a new appointment of great importance. The company has, in fact, named Igor Salvoni like New Specialist Team Unit Lead per l’Italia. Salvoni, after a long experience at an international level, joins the Italian Leadership Team reporting directly to the CEO, Silvia Candiani. Over the years, the manager has gained a very long experience with Microsoft, becoming a point of reference for the entire management system in Italy and then in the Western Europe area.

Igor Salvoni is the new Specialist Team Unit Lead of Microsoft Italy

Salvoni joined Microsoft in 1999, holding the role of Senior Technical Account Manager for Microsoft Service in Italy, managing clients such as FCA, Vodafone, Pirelli and Eni and gaining decades of experience. Subsequently he took on the role of lead of the Delivery area and then in 2016 he was then appointed Sales Director for Enterprise Services in Microsoft Italy. For the past 3 years, the manager has been part of the Western Europe team, leading the sales team for Azure. During this experience, Salvoni contributed to the creation and launch of programs such as Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) e Intelligent Driven Organization (GONE).


Salvoni’s comment

Igor Salvoni comments on the new appointment as follows: “I am thrilled to return to work in the Italian team after more than three years spent in the Western Europe area, where I had the opportunity to support various organizations in undertaking digital transformation paths. The possibility of leading the Specialist Team Unit and helping to accelerate the innovation paths of Italian companies is a great opportunity. I am sure that we will be able to guide the organizations of our country to discover the technological scenarios that can support their growth and development “

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.