
Migratory animals: New research says they learn through experience

Researchers have made a sensational discovery: migratory animals learn through the experience gained during their movements

Traveling is an art, and it seems that too migratory animals are artists in this field. Recent research has shed light on how these tireless travelers refine theirs navigation skills with experience, learning to move through the world with a wisdom that grows with them. The research, conducted by a international team of scientists, revealed some really interesting aspects of white storks. These birds, famous for their long journeys, don’t just rely on instinct or genetics to find their way. Instead, they store knowledge along the way, improving their own flight techniques Year after year. Monitoring over 250 storks over a seven-year period, scientists found that while young people explore, adults become expert travelers, choosing more direct and efficient routes. This not only demonstrates that migratory animals learn from experience, but also suggests that they could teach younger ones how to do the same.

Migratory animals: New research says they learn through experience

The importance of experience for migratory animals

Ellen Aikens, the scientist who led the study, observed that adult storks stop looking for new territories and focus on optimized routes. This way they reduce the time and energy spent flying. This behavior shows a clear evolution of Migration strategies based on memory and learning. Research has also highlighted the importance of experiential learning in migration. Changing landscapes require animals to be flexible and adaptable, learning to recognize and exploit favorable conditions. By doing so, the experience becomes something precious that guides animals through the skies.

What does all this teach us? Experience is a timeless teacher, even for migratory animals. Every journey, every season, every migration is a lesson that accumulates in the baggage of these creatures’ lives. These birds, with their wings spread, not only cross skies and continents, but also the pages of a travel diary written with the wisdom of experience. Research opens our eyes to a world where learning has no limits and where each new discovery is a step towards understanding how life adapts and thrives on our beautiful Earth.

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