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Multifunction printing with Asustor NAS, up to 3 shared USB printers

ASUSTOR, a leader in network storage (NAS) innovation, said its NAS can now easily share up to three USB printers simultaneously with network clients based on Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems

To optimize the printing experience and mitigate any compatibility issues, ASUSTOR NAS integrate USB over IP technology, which allows you to extend access to USB devices across IP networks.

Multifunction printing with Asustor NAS, up to 3 shared USB printers

ASUSTOR NAS: multi-printer sharing and USB over IP technology

I NAS ASUSTOR they make it possible to share USB printers on the network, facilitating access and use of these peripherals among users belonging to work groups in a direct and immediate way.

By connecting one or more USB printers to your ASUSTOR NAS, you can enable atall members of a workgroup on the same network to print documents as if the printers were directly connected to the company network, thus improving productivity and reducing costs.

This USB printer sharing feature via ASUSTOR NAS is equally beneficial at the home level too, allowing family members to print documents without the need to physically connect the printer to each PC or laptop.

This also eliminates the need to keep the computer physically connected to the printer turned on to take advantage of its sharing features.

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