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Multiple profiles on Facebook: what’s new from Meta

A post on the platform’s official page announced Meta’s launch of the multiple profiles function

With the advent of technology, the conception of spaces, needs and daily tasks that are carried out for different purposes has changed profoundly. Today, we move more and more intensively on online platforms, driven by the possibility of being able to draw on them for a multitude of uses e different destinations. Thanks to the internet, we can develop our daily plans, practice our profession, study, have fun and communicate with people from every corner of the world, reducing distances at least on the virtual plan.

In this peculiar and dynamic situation, social networks have established themselves as one of the most striking phenomena in the development of technology. Since the birth of the first platforms, moreover, it was clear that the world would change, creating a real alternative dimension. The more consolidated social networks such as Facebook, then, have in turn faced multiple innovations, one of the most significant for the platform Metawas the integration of multiple profiles.

It is not uncommon, in fact, for a user to decide to create multiple profiles in order to allocate them to different purposes, for example one to promote a passion or activity and earn some money – in this regard the site provides interesting ideas – and another to maintain friendships in one’s private life. In short, the possibility of creating more homonymous profilestoday, it is reality and, after many years in which it was not possible, it has offered users the possibility of separating the different aspects of their life without compromising with the availability o optimization of functions dedicated on platforms such as Facebook. As for us, in the next lines we will focus on the details of the news and the type of use that can be made of the multiple Facebook profilesin order to provide a detailed overview of this new and very useful one feature of the social statunitense.

Multiple profiles on Facebook are real: the details on the news

It was a post on the platform’s official page that announced Meta’s launch of the multiple profiles function. This is a feature specifically designed with the aim of making it easier division of activities and contacts you interact with on Facebook. With the possibility of creating up to a maximum of four secondary profilesFacebook also allows you to access them – choosing the most suitable name for each one – without having to constantly log in.

This function is constantly updated, as it does not allow – with secondary profiles – to use some Facebook functions such as Meetings, Market, Professional mode and payments. Furthermore, messaging is available, in this mode, only in the web version of the social network. Among the main features of this function is the fact that each profile has a unique feed and enjoys privacy settings and separate notifications from those of the main profile. In this way, you can select who can friend that specific profile and see the published contents.

Facebook has also established a regulation for the use of multiple accounts, in order to avoid any type of malicious use of secondary profiles, hiding the user’s identity. The platform prescribes the impossibility of using these profiles by impersonating other people or altering one’s identity in terms of age and location. Furthermore, this service is only accessible to adults who, in any case, will not be able to generate these profiles in the presence of a recent violation of the platform’s terms of service.

In any case, any violation committed with a secondary profile will be reflected in terms of measures for the main account and other connected accounts. THE additional Facebook profiles they represent, in short, a way to divide the various aspects of one’s social life more organized.