Netflix e Sony sospendono i progetti con Will Smith thumbnail

Netflix and Sony: projects with Will Smith protagonist suspended

Is Netflix that Sony they have suspended some projects together with Will Smithdue to the episode involving the actor during the 2022 Oscars ceremony. Smith, who was forced to apologize after hitting Chris Rock for a joke about his wife, Jada Pinkett-Smith, he had a few rough days and resigned from the academy.

Netflix and Sony cancel projects with Will Smith

Netflix was working with Will Smith on a new action thriller called Fast and Loose, but now the project has been officially suspended. The film was not in good shape before, however, as the director had already abandoned filming, and this episode seems to have been the definitive Sword of Damocles for the feature film.

As if that weren’t enough, Smith should have made a new chapter in the Bad Boys franchise after the reboot Bad Boys For Life, released in 2021. This project has also been put on hiatus, as Sony is currently evaluating the course of action to be taken on the matter. At present, then the actor’s next film will be Emancipationwhere he teamed up with Training Day director Antoine Fuqua for Apple TV Plus.

There is still no launch date for Emancipation, and we only know that it should arrive in 2022, without a precise time frame. However, there was no trace of Emancipation in Apple’s preview of its upcoming projects in 2022released at the beginning of March, consequently the release date of the film could easily be postponed to next year, perhaps in the hope that in the meantime the situation will come under control.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.