Alexa ha un'altra voce in Italia thumbnail

Now you can ask Alexa to read Audible audiobooks

Now you can ask Alexa to read Audible thumbnail audiobooks

Audible today announced the integration of its app with the Alexa voice assistant, which now reads audiobooks. A great feature for when your hands are full, thus starting playback with only the use of your voice.

If, for example, we wanted to listen to The Sandman while we are busy pampering our dog, just say: “Alexa, read The Sandman”, and the voice assistant will read the audiobook without our four-legged friend seeing his session interrupted. daily pampering. Little secret: it also applies to cats.

Alexa reads Audible audiobooks and more: all integrations

There are many integrations with Alexa, allowing for an optimal hands-free experience for those who want to play audiobooks even while doing other things. Indeed, it will be possible ask Alexa to lRead faster or slower, start over from a given chapter o pause listening. Commuters can also ask Alexa to find them something fun while they’re on the road. In that case it would be interesting to see the reactions of the other passengers.

Here’s what Alexa can do with Audible:

  • Voice activated control: Whenever the Audible app is open, users can give almost any voice command. Alexa can be easily turned on and off in the app.
  • Multi-tasking: listeners can interrupt the book listening to satisfy their curiosity (ex: “Alexa, what kind of whale is Moby Dick?”). Alexa is able to multitask, so even while reading Audible audiobooks, you can ask her, for example, to set a timer. Great if you are cooking.

Alexa integrations are already live for iOS users in the US. We can expect the features to arrive in Italy very soon.

  • Mark Brunasso

    Writing is my passion, music is my life and Liam Gallagher my God. Otherwise I’m 30 and a musician, singer and songwriter. Here I mainly write about music and videogames, but everything that has to do with the creation of parallel worlds fascinates me. 🌋From Pompeii with love.🧡

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Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.