Octopus Energy sorpassa la soglia delle 60.000 utenze attive in Italia thumbnail

Octopus Energy surpasses the threshold of 60,000 active users in Italy

Octopus Energy Italiaan energy company created to make renewable energy accessible to all thanks to the use of technology, announces the achievement of an important milestone: more than 60,000 active customers, with growth of +30% month on month. The news highlights the company’s success and significant growth in the market, while demonstrating Italians’ growing interest in a more responsible approach to energy.

Technology leads to the great success of Octopus Energy Italia

Making clean energy accessible to all thanks to the use of technology: this is the winning mission of Octopus Energy, which from the United Kingdom it arrived in Italy in 2022. In just over a year and during the energy crisis, the company has managed to make itself known throughout the Bel Paese for its competitive rates over time and a one-of-a-kind customer service. Today it matters around 70 employees active between Ascoli Piceno and the offices of Milano.

The words of Giorgio Tomassetti, CEO of Octopus Energy Italia

“Reaching 50,000 customers in Italy makes us proud and we are certain that it is the first step towards a bigger goal, which we will certainly achieve,” he declared Giorgio Tomassetti, CEO of Octopus Energy Italia.

“In just a few months we have distinguished ourselves in the market for transparency and competitiveness in prices and extreme care towards the customer. Our model promotes responsible energy use and offers clear tariffs, without hidden costs, allowing users to save on their bills while doing good for the planet.”


The ambitious expansion

An expansion and ambitious prospects that promise a path no less than United Kingdomwhere after just seven years from its foundation, the brand appears among the top in the country and represents the energy company with the highest growth rate ever.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.