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On Tinder you can enter up to four pronouns and different types of relationships

On Tinder you can enter up to four pronouns and different types of thumbnail relationships

Two important news arrived on Tinder today: pronouns and relationships by type. The first is clear enough: a feature that fosters inclusivity on the platform. About relationships by type it is worth saying a few more words.

You know the classic hook up question: “What are you looking for here on Tinder”? Rhetorical question, both ours and the one in quotes. Well, starting today we can definitively archive it among the phrases to never use again (a lot, however, spoiler: it doesn’t work and it’s quite badly tolerated).

Relationships by type allow users to set the preferred type of attendance in advance. In this way it will be possible to show other users and their matches what we are looking for. Specifically from today it is possible to choose between: Serious relationship, Serious relationship but let’s see; Nothing serious, but let’s see; Nothing serious; New friendships or Still do not know. You can also set the relationships, choosing between: monogamous relationship; open relationship; ethical non-monogamy; polyamory e any kind of relationship. After all, as Tinder explains in the press release announcing the novelty, the word “commitment” takes on different meanings depending on the individual user.

How to set pronouns on Tinder

Users can now choose up to four pronouns to be included in their profile at the same time. These can be chosen from a list that includes more than 15 options.

Pronouns add to the More feature Gender & Sexual Orientationwhich allows you to choose from 29 genders and 9 sexual orientations.

  • Mark Brunasso

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Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.