Oppo entra nel CdA di Connectivity Standards Alliance thumbnail

Oppo joins the Connectivity Standards Alliance Board of Directors

Oppo announced its entry into the in Board of Directors of the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA). The company will thus have a leading role in developing Matter, the Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity protocol. Oppo will also lead its promotion in China.

Oppo on the Connectivity Standards Alliance Board of Directors

Oppo’s entry into the board of directors that will decide the connected future of the IoT is of enormous importance. Indeed the project Matter wants to create a highly compatible ecosystem, which allows different manufacturers to exploit the technological standards and technologies of the CSA. This way, users will have a unified, interconnected and above all simple experience.

Oppo’s investments in the 5G standard are already enormous but the company seems willing to continue to focus on a future interconnected with the IoT. In 2015 the company created a team to outline standard 5G in 20 countries around the world, presenting three thousand proposals and filing a thousand families of patents. Partners around the world are over 30, including TVs, wearables and devices of all kinds.

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Neil Yang, Director of Standards Research Department at OPPO comments, “We are honored to join the CSA Board of Directors to lead the development of the Matter protocol and create an even better user experience for all of our IoT products. We will provide our global IoT and marketing know-how and experience to promote Matter in China. We are confident that together with the CSA and its members, we will shape the future of the IoT to ensure better services for all users. “

Tobin Richardson, President and CEO of CSA, thinks the partnership could benefit from the adoption of the Matter standard around the world. “This new and important collaboration between OPPO and CSA represents a further boost in our mission to build a more intuitive world, without limits and above all functional in everyday life. OPPO’s position on the Board will also be pivotal in promoting the Matter project in China and across Asia, giving us the opportunity to deliver enhanced IoT experiences to over a billion users. “

The goal of building a global standard for the IoT is even a little closer today.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.