La nostra recensione di Pokémon Perla Splendente: tra nostalgia e nuove sfide thumbnail

Our review of Pokémon Shining Pearl: between nostalgia and new challenges

After 14 years, let’s put our hand back into that of Pokémon, bringing you inside Sinnoh, with our review of Shining Pearl Pokémon. We abandon 2D graphics for a new 3-dimensional reinterpretation. New animations, new style, without giving up the basis of this adventure. What was it like returning to the Sinnoh region after all this time? Were the improvements made useful? Will they have been able to satisfy us and make us love Pokémon as they once did? If you are curious to find out how our adventure went, read on in our Pokémon Shining Pearl review.

Pokémon Shining Pearl review: is it worth returning to Sinnoh?

Pokémon Shining Pearl, along with Shining Diamond, act as remakes of the original titles, leaving no room for a change of content, but introducing one of form. The story, basically, is always the same, nothing is changed. Nor does the number of Pokémon change compared to the originals; we always remain at 493, with Arceus. Also in terms of gameplay, we have no major changes compared to the past: fidelity to the original was married. The aim, therefore, will be to capture and train your Pokémon to become my trainer of the world.

Nothing changes substantial, but some, of more marginal character, they also come in everyday challenges. TO change seems a bit like the pace which is made slightly faster, to better adapt to the moment of the game. The walk becomes a little faster and the crossing of the other areas does the same. It also undergoes a fairly strong modification health bar. If before, during a fight, it could take more than 40 seconds to reset the bar, now, in a few seconds we have a precise idea of ​​the health of our Pokémon.

During our review of Pokémon Shining Pearl, we also noticed a change when it comes to quick actions. Eg, you can use multiple repellants without doing any cumbersome rounds opening the backpack. Once one is finished, the game itself will ask if we want to use another.

3D chibi graphics, was that what we wanted?

Pokémon Shining Pearl and Shining Diamond are offered to the public with very particular graphics that have divided the sides a bit. On the one hand there is the slice who loves this style, on the other hand those who would have appreciated a different choice. Many fans of the series, in fact, would have wanted something that was a little more “realistic”. In reality, we do not despise the choice at all and, on the contrary, we have appreciated its realization. It is a style that can prove suitable, without distorting the original content too much. Do we love the style of Animal Crossing too much? Perhaps.

A lgraphic level, however, one cannot complain too much. Regardless of whether or not the Chibi style is appreciated, the textures are quite accurate, as are the environments. Did we really feel the need to move to 3D? Maybe not, but still we, we appreciated it. Maybe, what a little mussel And the combination between graphics chibi during gameplay, and one different style in the challenges.

Pokémon Shining Pearl review pokekron

Pokémon Shining Pearl review: there is no lack of customization

In Pokémon Shining Pearl does not lack customization which, although somewhat limited, is well present. We can, in fact, change our character’s clothing by choosing from a long list. Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to make different combinations, but we can only decide which of the suits to wear. The clothes can be purchased in Rupepolis, where we have a shop instead of the casino.

Among other introductions, we have the possibility of being followed by our Pokémon, same function that we also found in Pokémon Gold and Silver, or rather in their remakes. Then we find the Rosa Rugosa Park which replaces the Amici Park. In this space we find legendary Pokémon belonging to other regions.

In the meantime, the Undergrounds which take the name of are returning Great Underground. The function is pretty much the same, although we get a great new novelty. In this chapter, in fact, there will be one portion of space dedicated to caves where we will be able to catch Pokémon that are not present in the Sinnoh region.

The Pokékron also returns exactly as in the original version. The only difference is the positioning on the screen: it is now on the right, at the top. It is a retractable screen that we can easily recall using the R key.

In the end, are we ready to say yes?

At the end of our review of Shining Pearl Pokémon, we must give our own judgment and, for us, it is a yes. This is a very successful remake, not only from a graphic point of view, but also from a content point of view. We have minor improvements that make the experience even more enjoyable than in the past, without changing the core mechanics. A good reinterpretation, excellent for those who look out for the first time, also interesting for the nostalgic. The gameplay is very simple, but still enjoyable. It may not be the best title released, yet, between nostalgia and new challenges, fun is guaranteed.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.