Outlook Lite arriva su Android thumbnail

Outlook Lite arrives on Android

Outlook Lite arriva su Android thumbnail

Here’s some good news for Microsoft customers! In fact, in the last few hours, the company has announced that Outlook Lite will arrive on devices soon Android – smartphone or tablet that are -. According to some rumors, this lighter and faster version of the client would be in the final stages of testing. And that can only mean one thing: it will soon be available to all users of Google’s operating system.

Outlook Lite ready to arrive on Android smartphones and tablets

Microsoft was the one to announce the arrival of Outlook Lite on Android devices. In particular, the company talked about “an Android App that offers the main advantages of Outlook in a small and fast performing App for low-end devices on any network”. In short, an undoubtedly improved version of the email client users are used to, let’s say so. But what will really change with the Lite version?

Outlook Lite Android

Apparently, Microsoft will leave the essentials like the email client and theCalendar integration, eliminating unnecessary features and simplifying client options for only the most commonly used features. In a nutshell, as we have anticipated, it will be a light and fast version of Outlook. In any case, if you are so curious to try it, you should know that Microsoft has stated that the App could be available from July 2022. Although it is unclear whether the application will be launched as a beta trial option or if the Redmond team will directly release the first stable version on the Play Store. But we are sure that we will find out soon.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.