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Palworld: How to ride Pals

It is possible to ride the Pals to which Palworld owes its name, you just need to know how: prepare the saddle, it’s time for another ride!

Despite potential technical doubts about the game or similar perplexities due to its legal sphere, if you are among the many who have entered the world of Palworld you may have noticed that when talking about Nitewing we were perhaps a little hasty: very simply, to explain how to ride Pals a separate guide was needed. And we are happy to provide it to you! There are many features to acclimatise to here: weapons and the associated combat system, building a base, survival elements and so on and so forth. That said, you need to explore the game world sooner or later, and to do so you have to leave your base behind. But why do it on foot, when you can rest your back on something comfortable saddle?

Getting upgrades | Palworld: How to ride Pals

Before understanding how to ride the various Pals, let’s try to understand how far Palworld goes in its depth. Starting, of course, from that faunal. There are many different little monsters sharing the shootouts, many of which take advantage of upgrade speciali unlockable in scheda Technology of your menu. You can find it between the entries Party (team) and Paldeck. The card in question includes every type of upgrade possible and imaginable, from those for the base to those for the weapons, obviously passing through those dedicated to the Pals themselves. Once you select an enhancement, you will see a list of all the materials necessary for its release. And this is the fundamental starting point.

Palworld: How to ride Pals

Getting in the saddle | Palworld: How to ride Pals

Not everything in the game consists of the usual elemental rock-paper-scissors game that the Pokémon series is known for. An improvement you can make in the Technology tab is the different saddles (Pal saddles). The saddles will allow you to mount on the backs of the various Pals, provided of course that you have captured them. The saddle for Melpaca, for example, was born for that specific little monster, and the same goes for Rushoar’s. You can craft the various saddles at the appropriate workbench (Pal Gear Workbench) as soon as you have all the materials you need. You can get a Melpaca at the Breeze Archipelago reef (Sea Breeze Archipelago Reef), among the best areas to start.

Palworld: How to ride Pals

Nitewing, they said? | Palworld: How to ride Pals

Yes, Nitewing. In our guide to “who’s off to a good start” we briefly focused on the eaglet for a reason: it is also possible to obtain flying mounts. The procedure for getting the Nitewing saddle is always the same; you simply need the bird. As we have already said in the other guide, it can be obtained with relative ease at the beginning of the game; doing so “just” gives you a ton more options for exploring the world. Speaking of our previous guide… would you like it if, for the sake of simplicity, we summarized its key points? Then you decide whether to delve deeper or not, what do you think?

Palworld: How to ride Pals

In the previous episode…

Speaking of Palworld, as we mentioned earlier, we previously alluded to the ability to ride your pets, but there’s a lot more to keep in mind. Having more options for moving around is always useful; in reality, it is not the only priority at the beginning of the game. Found the most suitable uses for your Pals to leave to baseperhaps without their AI throwing them for a loop while trying to find their way around. Your inventory is paltry; leave the objects you don’t need at the base e use Pal Spheres to capture anyone, including humans if necessary. Place the base, if possible, where your Pals can collect minerals… and obtain experience carrying out their duties. Go beyond the saddles; equip the Pals with everything that can be useful. You will need to have many and well trained ones to prevail over the bossesonce defeated you will be able to hatch the eggs more easily.

Now it’s up to you to tell us your opinion: did our advice help you this time? Let us know below, and as always don’t forget to stay on techgameworld.com for all the most important news for gamers and beyond. For your purely gaming needs, you can instead find the best discounts in digital format on Instant Gaming.