
Perception of time and sensation of touch: a connection discovered

Scientists have discovered that the part of the brain responsible for the sensation of touch is also involved in the perception of time

The perception of time it is a fascinating phenomenon that involves ours brain in surprising ways. Recently, scientists made an interesting discovery: the same part of the brain that allows us to feel touch is also involved in the perception of time. There somatosensory cortexthe area of ​​the brain responsible for sensation of touch, has been identified as the key structure involved in time perception. This is the result of research conducted at the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, led by Dr. Mathew Diamond and published in the journal Nature Communications. Thanks to the use of optogenetics, a technique that manipulates theneuronal activity through light, scientists were able to study the neural mechanisms linked to the perception of time in mice. This technique allowed them to identify the links between sensory perception and its duration, paving the way for understanding the complex mechanisms that regulate our sense of tempo.

Perception of time and sensation of touch: a connection discovered

Time and sensation of touch: the neural network

Contrary to common belief, time perception is not controlled by a single center in the brain, but is the result of a widespread network of brain areas with different functions. This is what emerges from the results of the study conducted by International School of Advanced Studies of Trieste. The somatosensory cortex, therefore, emerges as a crucial component of this neuronal network.

The use of light inoptogenetica revealed a direct link between neuronal activity and time perception. Through the analysis of the data obtained, it was possible to build mathematical models that indicate the possibilities cellular mechanisms involved in the perception of time. According to Dr. Diamond, the discovery of the interconnection between the perception of time and the sensation of touch highlights the complexity and interdependence of our sensory experiences. Cortical neurons can generate two distinct sensory experiences, highlighting how closely linked our sense of time and touch are.

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