Arriva in Italia Pluto Tv, il nuovo servizio di streaming gratuito thumbnail

Pluto Tv, the new free streaming service, arrives in Italy

On October 28 it will arrive in Italy Pluto Tv, a new streaming platform which distinguishes itself from other existing services because does not include any subscription.

The free streaming platform Pluto Tv arrives in Italy

It cannot be said that content streaming platforms have not been depopulated in recent years. And, of course, there will be more and more services similar to the pioneer Netflix, Amazon Prime Video or Disney + in the future. All of these platforms have more things in common, but the most obvious is the request for a subscription in order to use the service. Pluto Tv, instead, it will be free.

Pluto Tv, which will arrive on October 28 in Italy, it is a free streaming service of the group ViacomCbs (which includes Paramount, MTV and Comedy Central) which is supported by the commercials that are inserted while viewing the contents. It has already been available for some time in the United States, South America and on the European continent in the UK, Germany, France and Spain, registering 52 million active users per month. The platform is divided into different thematic channels that allow you to follow fixed programs, therefore not chosen by the user, based on the chosen genre.

Pluto Tv ItalyPhoto credits: Pluto Tv.

The thematic channels coming to Italy

In all they will be available 40 thematic channels, which will include many genres. There will be films, TV series, the inevitable reality shows, documentaries, programs dedicated to children and much more. As reported by Wired, the channels will arrive in the Italian schedule Pluto Tv Action, Italian Cinema, Drama and Pluto Tv Real Life to name a few. After that, as time goes by, more and more channels and content will arrive, drawing on the library of ViacomCbs and other partners such as Lionsgate and Minerva Pictures.

“When we launched it in 2014 in the US, no one believed in its success because it is a linear product in the age of on demand and free in the age of subscriptions.” He said Olivier Jollet, vice president and general manager of Pluto Tv International. “But we are pioneers in a new way of understanding streaming”.

The new streaming platform will be available in Italy starting from 28 October on its official website, through the apps for Android and iOS and on all the main smart TVs.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.