Pokémon Go Fest 2023: MegaRayquaza, MegaDiancie e tutte le novità dell'evento thumbnail

Pokémon Go Fest 2023: Mega Rayquaza, Mega Diancie and all the news of the event

Dal August 26th al August 27thil Pokémon GO Fest 2023 returns with a program full of unmissable events, including the debut of MegaRayquaza and MegaDiancie. The global event will allow all players in the world to participate in this celebration for coaches and coaches. But there will be some special surprises exclusive to buy event ticket. We tell you everything you need to know in this article.

Pokémon Go Fest 2023: the program and all the bonuses of the global event

The event promises to be an unforgettable experience: Niantic and The Pokémon Company promise that over 70 Pokémon that will appear during the Festival. But that’s not all: the luckiest players will have the chance to meet some Shiny Pokémon that first appeared in Pokémon GO. And then there are truly unmissable news, such as i MegaRaid per MegaRayquaza e MegaDiancie.

Access to this global event it is completely free and open to all, wherever they are in the world. However, the purchase of an event ticket offers special bonuses and rewards. Among these, there is an encounter with a mysterious and fascinating Pokémon: Diancie.

diancie min

You can buy the ticket directly in the Pokémon Go Store on your smartphone, costing $14.99. The ticket is valid for both Saturday and Sunday and we advise you to take full advantage of it: some events will only be available on one of the two days.

Accessible bonuses for everyone this weekend

With or without tickets, Pokémon Go Fest 2023 has several coupons and special encounters planned for those who play this weekend. First, there will be the bonuses:

  • Lures last one hour
  • Friendship bonus in raids doubled
  • Themed Field Research for different Pokémon habitats
  • From midnight Saturday to 11:59pm Sunday, you can join as many remote raids as you like
  • Take photos for a “surprise”

pokemon go

Then there are attacks in evidence, to be unlocked by evolving the Pokémon:

  • Butterfree learns the fast attack Bugbite
  • Sandslash the Charged Night Slash
  • Clefable learns the fast attack Smash
  • Flygon learns GeoStrength
  • Salamence can learn the powerful Outrage
  • Metagross may know Meteor Punch
  • Roserade learns Bullet Seed and Weather Ball
  • Licklicky learns Body Slam

There will also be many Pokémon that you will find in nature, many of which will also arrive in version Chromatic. Some are also interesting for Lotte Go, da Gible a Stinky fishpassing through Snover e Beldom. But it is advisable to look carefully above all for Snorlax with a cowboy hat (there is also the Shiny) and Pikachu with different crowns based on the environment: Quartz, Pyrite, Malachite, Aquamarine.

If you can’t find these special event Pokémon, you can find them in raids. THE Pikachu with crowns you can also find them in first level raids (together with Goomy), while Snorlax with the cowboy hat in the threes. In those of level two you will find Carbink (not to be missed), the primordial Raids of ArcheoKyogre e ArcheoGroudon.

But as far as raids are concerned, the news arrives on Sunday: there is MegaRayquaza, accessible for all. Although a special mission will help evolve it for those who buy tickets.

The bonuses scheduled for those who buy Pokémon Go Fest 2023 tickets

pokèmon go fest 2023 program megarayquaza min

Mega Rayquaza, the mighty Pokémon Stratosphere, makes its triumphant debut for all players. But a mystery also lies behind the new meteorites, an item introduced in Pokémon GO. The Trainers participating in the event will be able to discover these mysterious meteorites through a special research.

With these meteorites they will be able to unlock the charged attack Ascent of the Dragon: Only a Rayquaza that knows this attack can Mega Evolve by receiving Mega Energy.

But that’s not all, because Diancie will make her double debut at this event. After previewing the Pokémon GO Festival 2023 live events at Londra, Osaka and New York CityDiancie will make her world debut in even more majestic form: MegaDiancie. Event ticket holders will have the privilege of seeing Diancie’s Mega Evolution. And they will be able to follow the special research that allows you to get to know this Pokémon better and meet it.

Pokémon Go Fest 2023 Megadiancie Program min

Furthermore, those who have the special ticket will be able to participate in the Global Challenge Arena, with special bonuses to be conquered all together.

Whoever buys the ticket, will be able to use an aroma to unlock special Pokémon. In particular, the Unown with the various letters of the alphabet (also chromatic) and different Pokémon based on the area. In quartz terrariums, a Growlithe of Hisuiamong the Pyrite Dunes a Pawniard (also chromatic), in the Malachine Lands a Carnivine and on the coasts of aquamarine a Pachirisu. And he will have access to different bonuses:

  • More Shiny Pokémon
  • Up to six trades per day
  • Level up for the Top-notch Pokémon Tracker award by completing Habitat Collection Challenges
  • Up to 9 free Raid Passes by spinning Gym discs
  • Special 7 km eggs

Finally, a Diancie T-Shirt and an in-game treasure map. But you can also buy the (real) event shirt at this address.

Is it worth buying the ticket?

Ticket to two Mega Evolutions (although you can participate in Raids of Mega Rayquaza, you cannot evolve it without meteorites). So the most passionate players will hardly be able to do without it. But even without the ticket there are many possibilities: from special Pokémon to capture, to the many chromatic ones not to be missed.

The choice is therefore up to you, but if you want to test the power of Mega Rayquaza and you have Sunday free, this is an opportunity not to be missed. Ascent of the Dragon, in addition to allowing you to Mega Evolve, is an incredibly powerful move: if you want the most powerful attack (to date) in the game, the ticket becomes a must. But if, like many, you play Pokémon Go mainly for fun and to meet other players, you can still find yourself with your group even without a ticket! The Pokémon Go party is for everyone.

We’ll keep you updated on our experience at Pokémon Go Fest 2023, tell us if you’re planning to attend in the comments.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.