Prihistok è la piattaforma online per i profughi ucraini in cerca di rifugio thumbnail

Prihistok is the online platform for Ukrainian refugees seeking refuge

Prihistok is the online platform for Ukrainian refugees seeking refuge thumbnail

A group of steering wheels launched the platform in just 24 hours Sheltera Ukrainian term which in Italian can be translated as “refuge“. Prihistok aims to be a fundamental point of reference for the Ukrainian population in search of ways to escape from the war and find accommodation. It is also possible to join the platform to offer accommodation to those fleeing the war. This is a new project that can already represent a way to save lives in these desperate hours.

Prihistok is born: the “refuge” platform for those fleeing the war in Ukraine

The new Prihistok platform is available online and points to connect refugees fleeing war with anyone who can offer shelter. It is a project born in a few hours and immediately became a very important point of reference for refugees in a situation that, by the hour, becomes more and more complicated and difficult.

A platform to help Ukrainians

Right now, Prihistok is mainly targeting Ukrainians residing in areas attacked by the Russians and seeking refuge in other parts of the country to the west. In any case, anyone can join the platform and try to offer a refuge to those fleeing the war. In the hope that a “cease-fire”, the Prihistok platform can truly represent a lifeline for thousands of refugees.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.