In this review we will analyze the Gaara figure from Naruto Shippuden, created by ABYstyle Studio
Naruto Shippuden is the Japanese anime and manga by Masashi Kishimoto, sequel to the original Naruto. The story follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a ninja who dreams of becoming Hokage, the leader of his village.
Gaara is one of the main characters of the series. He is the Kazekage, the leader of Sunagakure, and the host of the demon Ichibi. The latter is a complex and fascinating character, who has had to face many challenges in his life. ABYstyle Studio recently released a 1:10 scale Gaara figure. This figure joins the company’s “SFC” collection, which includes figures of other iconic characters from the anime.
The packaging | Naruto Shippuden Review – Gaara Figure
The figure’s packaging is made of sturdy cardboard and features eye-catching graphics that perfectly capture the epic and dramatic atmosphere of the anime. A transparent window on the packaging allows you to admire the figures inside, creating a preview of what we will see. The decals on the packaging add an extra touch, conveying the attention to detail that went into creating this figure. Obviously, there is no shortage of all the relevant logos.
La figure | Recensione Naruto Shippuden – Gaara Figure
The Gaara figure is made of high quality PVC, with a rigid structure. The overall height of the figurine is approx 18 cm including the base, allowing it to stand out in any collection. Speaking of display base, this represents the symbol of the Sand Village and, if you were wondering, it is not possible to display the figure without it since otherwise it will fall due to the weight of the jar.
The painting work on the figures is carried out with extreme care and precision, with colors that are faithful to those of the original character. Gaara’s face is expressive, but perhaps lacks a few details. Details and nuances that are present on all of her clothing and on the large jar on her back.
The figure’s pose is quite static as it features the iconic Kazekage with his arms folded. Looking towards the horizon creates an atmosphere of determination and strength, which conveys his determination and strength to control the sand without lifting a finger.
Conclusion | Naruto Shippuden Review – Gaara Figure
The Gaara figure from Naruto Shippuden by ABYstyle Studio is a nice addition to those already present in the SFC collection. However, the pose is quite static and Gaara’s face lacks a few details. The price of 32.99 euros on the official ABYstyle website seems quite correct given the size and final yield.
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