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Resident Evil 4 Remake: new record of copies sold!

A few months after its release, Resident Evil 4 Remake sets a new record for copies sold and confirms the enormous success of the saga. Let’s find out what makes this title so loved in this new news

It has always been one of the most loved and played sagas among those produced by the well-known production company Capcombut the new Resident Evil 4 Remake set a new record with ben 5 million copies sold in a few months. Its launch, in fact, took place on March 24, 2023 and already in the month of April it had scored over 4 million sales. Impressive numbers that confirm once again how much this title is loved by fans of all platforms. All this thanks above all to stories and settings horror of the highest quality that keep small and large gamers glued to the screen.

Resident Evil 4 Remake: new record of copies sold!

Resident Evil 4 Remake: the success of the copies sold explained in brief

As previously mentioned, the new title Resident Evil 4 Remake has set a new record for copies sold after just four months from the day of its launch. The expectations of community they were really high and for this reason there were also many doubts and fears of the enthusiasts. In recent years we have witnessed the release of several remakes of historical titles and they have often proved to be very disappointing and well below expectations. In this case we have to break a spear in favor of development team by Capcom who has managed to bring a game perfectly in line with its original version, but with modern and captivating features. All of this has contributed to making this remake a worldwide super hit. Several have already been announced additional content which will arrive in the coming months as well as the virtual reality mode exclusively PlayStation with the VR2.

And what do you think of this new remake? Let us know with a comment on or on our social channels where you can always stay updated on the latest news from the gaming world. Also take advantage of the super offers available on Kinguin that allow you to buy your favorite games at low prices.

Stefania Romagnoli is a dedicated writer who delves into the world of video game news. With a profound passion for gaming, Stefania keeps readers informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends within the gaming industry.