Revolut: pagamenti di tributi e imposte con pagoPA, senza commissioni su Android thumbnail

Revolut: payment of taxes and duties with pagoPA, without commissions on Android

Revolut announces the integration into his super Android app by pagoPAthe national platform for paying taxes and duties to Public administration with great ease. The application for iOS received the update in February 2022, by registering tens of thousands of transactions: all without paying any commission.

Revolute includes pagoPA in the Android app, with no fees

Over 25 million users use Revolut, alone in Italy they are one million. One million fellow citizens, who can pay taxes and duties directly from the app, without having to pay any commission. In this way, Revolut lives up to its mission established since its launch in 2015: to avoid disadvantageous commissions to allow simpler and more effective money management.

Ignacio Zunzunegui, Head of Growth Southern Europe di Revolut, explains: “We are really excited to make payment of pagoPA notices possible in an easy and free way also for Android users. Today, over one million people in Italy can take advantage of this advantage. Our super app is constantly adding new features for facilitate the management of money at 360 degrees. In Italy this necessary service certainly could not be missing, which however cannot and must not require the payment of a commission, which does not add any value, but rather penalizes consumers. We really hope that other operators will follow our example”.

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Up to now, on iOS every user using pagoPA has done on average over four transactions, half of which under 50 euros. The possibility of not paying commissions has therefore played an important advantage for users.

To be able to use this new feature on the Android app as well, you need to:

  • Update to the latest version of the app
  • Go to the Payments section and press the button “+ New”
  • Choose pagoPA alerts and select the type of payment
  • Add tax or duty information, or scan the codice QR
  • Check and approve the payment

All receipts are stored, to make it easy to find them later. This way you can pay quickly and efficiently.

This convenience is added to the ability to spend and transfer money, change currency, manage your budget: all without hidden fees. Additionally, you can also purchase contactless cards from Revolut che they use the Visa and Mastercard circuitswhich you can also use with Google Pay e Apple Pay. Learn more about Revolut.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.