Revolut e la partnership con Watershed per ridurre le proprie emissioni thumbnail

Revolut works with Watershed to limit emissions

Revolut accelerates its green turn thanks to a partnership with Watershed, an environmental software company. Thanks to the collaboration, the brand will be able to control and reduce its emissions.

Revolut aims to bring its emissions to an all-time low

Important news for Revol, global super app with over 16 million customers worldwide, announcing greater commitment to sustainability. The company will in fact collaborate with Watershed, a leader in creating global environmental programs. The purpose is to calculate and reduce their carbon emissions on a global scale.

In the announcement, the company explained that data collection is the first important step for a greener future. The first step is therefore to monitor and analyze the emission levels in real time, so as to keep them under control.

Alan Chang, Chief Revenue Officer di Revolut, he claims:

“Revolut is a global super app that allows customers around the world to get more for their money. But as the world evolves and people’s lifestyles change, more and more people are realizing that they have a responsibility to the planet and have to take care of the place we all live in. We want to help make the transition to a greener future a reality, which is why we have partnered with Watershed, which we believe can help us achieve our sustainability goals. “

After data collection, a long-term strategic plan follows

Once the data have been confirmed, Revolut will aim to develop a program to manage its emissions to the minimum achievable. A process that is in line with the expected objectives of theParis Agreement.

Taylor Francis, co-founder di Watershedhe adds:

“We are delighted to be partnering with Revolut’s global program. We aim to accelerate the fight against climate change by building tools that modern organizations, such as Revolut, need to quickly reach zero emissions. The recent IPCC report released in August leaves no doubt: there is no more time to waste and every company must act quickly to reduce emissions. We are thrilled to help Revolut in this initiative ”.

Earlier this year Revolut joined Tech Zero. The latter is an initiative that brings together technology companies committed to driving environmental change through technology, data and science. For years, Revolut has been collaborating with global and local sustainability charity partners such as WWF, Rainforest Alliance e Open Cages. To date, Revolut customers have donated over 1 million pounds to sustainability and climate charities.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.