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Sim-Racing: what it is and how to get started with limited spending

What is Sim-Racing and above all how can you get started on a limited budget? In this detailed guide we explain it to you, step by step, with a long series of advice, notions and suggestions

Driving simulators are a genre of video games that has gradually grown in popularity, thanks also to the advancement of technology and the possibility of immersion guaranteed by it. Whether they are cars or motorbikes, these video games allow the user to immerse themselves in a virtual setting that puts them to pilot a specific type of vehicle. Driving simulators were born with Space Race in 1973, a title developed by Atari, which was then followed the following year by Gran Tak 10. From there, a long series of more or less valid titles then led to 1997, when one of the greatest exponents of the genre, Gran Turismo, now in its seventh iteration (find our review of Gran Turismo 7 here!) originated.

Driving video games: between arcade and simulation, some definitions

Before moving on to the meat of this article, we want to give you some simulations. Although it is true that we have generally defined them as driving simulators, this genre can be divided into two specific subcategories:

  • Arcade driving video games, in which the game physics is greatly simplified to make the gaming experience more engaging and accessible to the user. Missing, for example, are the movements of the suspension or the various effects of stress on the tires during the race. Most driving video games belong to this category.
  • Simulator driving video games, in which the developers worked to make the gaming experience as similar and faithful to reality as possible. The laws of physics therefore reign, which are applied to all categories of objects, including vehicles. This type of driving video game is also often used as training for professional drivers.

Sim-Racing: what it is and how to get started with limited spending

The growth of popularity: some factors | Sim-Racing: what it is and how to get started

The protagonists of this article are, as already mentioned, Sim-Racing. This kind it gradually gained popularity for a series of reasons, ranging from the evolution of information technology and the hardware component, to the increased interest in car racing, and therefore an increasingly close-knit community of enthusiasts, just as the COVID-19 pandemic. The factors that have contributed to the growth in popularity of Sim-Racing can be summarized as follows:

  • Advancement of technology and improvement of hardware: the growth in power of consoles and computers, as well as the greater development capacity in graphic terms, have allowed the creation of increasingly realistic driving simulators, both in purely aesthetic terms and more purely physical and practical ones. The implementation of various hardware components, from pedals to steering wheels, has meant that the user can immerse himself even more in a world so accurate that it seems real.
  • Accessibility: As is obvious, the Sim-Racing experience is decidedly more accessible than real car racing. Put aside the need to own a racing car and a circuit where you can race it: all you need is a PC or console.
  • Community online e streaming: sharing always makes everything happier and decidedly fun. In online communities, enthusiasts have always been able to share experiences and strategies, as well as organize dedicated events. The ever-increasing popularity of video game streaming, on platforms such as Twitch or YouTube, has allowed even more enthusiasts to showcase their skills and create content of a certain level.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic: during the Coronavirus pandemic, many sports competitions have been postponed and, as with many other sports, Sim-Racing and eSports in general have proven to be a valid alternative.
  • Car manufacturers: given its growing popularity, even some car manufacturers or racing organizers have recognized the potential of Sim-Racing, so much so as to guarantee the patronage and participation of well-known and important automotive brands in some official events.
  • Sim-Racing: what it is and how to get started with limited spending

    Sim-Racing: but how much does it cost me?

    We have therefore reached the heart of the matter: everything is beautiful, everything is sensational, but how much is creating a competitive Sim-Racing station worth? To be completely honest, if you want to do things right, yes it will cost you a good amount of money. If, however, your goal is simply to experience the thrill of the race and have fun, while keeping your budget low, perhaps our advice can help you.

    Bonus track: what is the best game to enter the world of Sim-Racing?

    Before delving into the various steps dedicated to “saving”, we want to give you some advice on individual video games. It must be admitted that the genre has diversified a lot, and there are also titles for specific disciplines, such as F1 or Dirt Rally. In our opinion, the most user-friendly title that allows you to train to master different types of cars is Assetto Corsa. Not only is it available on both PC and console, which allows the base user base to be quite large, but it is also a highly supported title with huge servers for multiplayer races. So, if you don’t know where to start: Assetto Corsa, definitely.

    First step: console or PC? | Sim-Racing: what it is and how to get started

    Obviously, the first step is the one that may seem even more banal. To enter the world of driving simulations, what is the most suitable hardware: a home console or a PC? Although the choice of the latter is, instinctively, the most popular one, one thing must first be underlined. The range of titles of the latest generation consoles (PlayStation 5 and the rival Xbox Series X | S) is vast and includes all the nuances of the genre. If you think about it, in fact, you will find completely arcade experiences, like the entire Need for Speed ​​series, titles that are halfway, like Gran Turismo or the F1 series, or naked simulators like Assetto Corsa Competizione. Furthermore, the cost involved is decidedly lower than a medium-high range PCespecially if you wait for the periods of the most massive discounts or even turn to the second-hand market.

    On the other hand, however, you will know very well that the PC is the privileged platform for Sim-Racing. Either because the consoles do not allow the use of mods and additional content specific to simulators, or also because there are many products missing that have less impact on the public level, but are more suitable for professional racers (one of which is iRacing). Having said that, if you have a limited budget and, therefore, are unable to purchase a medium-high range PC, know that most professional racing titles are video games with several years of experience behind them, and therefore the only thing that is really important and that you absolutely need on your PC is a good graphics card. Estimated price? Around €200, it works.

    Sim-Racing: what it is and how to get started with limited spending

    Second step: controller or steering wheel and pedals? | Sim-Racing: what it is and how to get started

    This question has a terribly obvious answer, it’s true, but let’s go step by step. As you can see, we have basically excluded the keyboard option, because let’s face it: although it is truly the cheapest, to enjoy the driving experience you will need at least a joystick. If you are a console gamer, from this point of view you have an advantage: a gamepad is already available when you purchase the hardware. If you are a PC gamer, you will have to buy one, but in the end you will get by with a rather low cost (you can find excellent controllers even for €40-50).

    Obviously, however, if you want to enter the world of Sim-Racing, what you need most is a steering wheel with pedals. We’re not telling you that you can’t have fun with the controller, on the contrary, and you can even become quite good with a bit of training. To really appreciate this world, however, the only alternative is to equip yourself with a good steering wheel and a medium-priced pedal set, which will allow you, through the feedback provided by the hardware pieces, to really feel your car on the track. Accelerations, braking, steering wheel return: all features completely absent if you use a controller.

    Sim-Racing: what it is and how to get started with limited spending

    Some suggestions for purchasing

    Don’t be scared though: purchasing the steering wheel and pedals is not mandatory, as mentioned, but even if you wanted to dive in and spend this money, often with offers you can find excellent steering wheels at affordable prices. Logitech, for example, often discounts its merchandise, even the medium-high range ones. Just keep an eye on Amazon.

    However, below you will find two of our articles that can be very useful to you:

    Sim-Racing: what it is and how to get started with limited spending

    Third step: the workstation, is it really necessary? | Sim-Racing: what it is and how to get started

    Let’s answer the question straight away: no, it is not essential to purchase a station dedicated to Sim-Racing. Yes, it’s true, you will necessarily need to have a horizontal surface available to fix your steering wheel, a fixed chair and a way to attach the acceleration and brake pedals. Avoid gaming chairs with wheels, if you don’t want to end up ten meters behind by pressing the brake. If, however, you have a little more money to invest, you can easily purchase dedicated stations, which have extremely variable price ranges.

    And when we say extremely variable we mean it. There are many types on the market, from those costing less than 100 euros to the professional Formula 1 models that break the 1000 euro barrier. Our advice is to avoid very cheap products, because they do not perform well and are stable in the most frenetic driving conditions. Aim for products in the 300-400 euro range, in order to have effective and long-lasting stations, even if not extremely expensive. Final advice: make sure that the seat is independent from the rest of the frame (which includes the supports for the steering wheel and pedals) so that you can adjust all the components according to your needs and your physical structure.

    Sim-Racing: what it is and how to get started with limited spending

    And this is all!

    And this is all we had to tell you about how to enter the world of Sim-Racing with an honest budget, to seriously start living a gaming experience completely different from the ordinary. Let us know what you think below in the comments and stay tuned with us at techgameworld.com for all the news on the world of technology at 360°! And if you want to get some racing games at advantageous prices, take a look at the InstantGaming catalogue!