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SKEEPERS Group: here’s how to do marketing with artificial intelligence

The SKEEPERS Group, European leader in SaaS customer experience and engagement management solutions, has recently added to its Marketing Activation offer, a individualized marketing platform that uses Artificial Intelligence to allow brands to move from mass marketing strategies to a personalized approach, more effective and closer to the consumer.

SKEEPERS Group: artificial intelligence in marketing

Born from the recent acquisition of Advalo, a startup specialist in Artificial Intelligence applied to one-to-one marketing, SKEEPERS Marketing Activation, thanks to the algorithms it incorporates, helps companies to identify the purchase intention of each consumer, a identify the campaigns that generate the most value based on your goals it’s at make the most of their customer, CRM and digital data, addressing relevant messages to each of them and creating a lasting and solid bond with them.

In concrete terms, thanks to the consolidation of millions of customer data (omnichannel behavioral data), and the design of ready-to-use Machine Learning predictive models, the solution is able to precisely define the most relevant messages for each consumer and identify the scenarios to be activated based on the acquisition and loyalty objectives of the brand.

SKEEPERS group artificial intelligence marketing

Through the platform it is also possible monitor performance of campaigns based on incremental sales generated on the web and in stores, making it possible demonstrate the impact of the business not only online but also on in-store sales ed thus highlighting the ROI of each marketing action.

From a practical point of view, SKEEPERS Marketing Activation has several advantages. First of all the simplification of daily operations, which increases the productivity of marketers helping them identify, optimize and automate the campaigns that generate the most value. The retailers who use the platform have in fact generated on average the 3-4% of incremental turnover in less than 12 months and have seen their acquisition costs halve.

Not negligible as a distinctive element also the omnichannel vision of the customer journey, which allows you to aggregate customer data from all online and offline touchpoints, related to the purchasing behavior, al surfing behavior and there feedback, thanks also to the analysis of the reviews.

An already established reality

Already established in the retail, tourism, fashion and automotive sectors, the SKEEPERS Marketing Activation platform naturally connects to third party tools such as Google Ads, Facebook, Salesforce, Criteo and email marketing tools to synchronize customer data, always in compliance with the GDPR framework.

Among the leading companies that have chosen to implement this solution we find SEAT (Volkswagen Group), Skoda, Leroy Merlin, Degrenne, Cache Cache.

Specifically, SEAT France has benefited from the use of the new platform thanks to the possibility of collecting, analyzing and cross-referencing the data of its customers, retrieved both through online and offline channels, in order to intercept the user with personalized and consistent communications. your wishes at all touchpoints of the customer journey. Through the use of the tools offered by the solution, the SEAT marketing team found an increase in the number of leads (+ 72%) and in the conversion rates of prospects, with a positive impact on the entire business.

By communicating with all the other SKEEPERS solutions, Marketing Activation will feed its algorithm with the solid base of omnichannel data collected by the other tools of the Group, such as customer sentiment, customer satisfaction and the level of engagement with the brand, adding these insights to the already processed online and offline behavioral data.

The total integration between third-party tools and those offered by SKEEPERS such as Verified Reviews, CX Management and Video Content gives life to a truly unique completeness of data to create hyper-individualized and relevant campaigns for the individual consumer. This will result in increased conversion rates, improved customer loyalty, and increased purchase frequency.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.