
Stellantis, Uliano invites to increase production

According to Uliano, future secretary of Fim-Cisl, the current Government incentives are not sufficient to increase Stellantis’ production

Ulianoabout to become the new secretary of Fim-Cisl, talks about Stellar:

We must not blindly chase foreign manufacturers. Our priority is to increase production in existing Stellantis factories in Italy. Only then will we be able to consider the arrival of other manufacturers, provided that they do not damage the national industry. Contrasting supply and demand is a mistake. We must support both purchasing and production simultaneously and over a medium to long term. The 8 billion allocated by the Draghi government were insufficient, let alone the 5.3 billion expected for 2025. We cannot promote the purchase only in 2024 and then stop. Incentives should be guaranteed for at least four years, with a gradual reduction as the price difference narrows.

The future secretary criticizes the management of government incentives, underlining their unavailability despite repeated announcements. There transition to electric vehicles is underway, and the secretary highlights that the price gap with petrol vehicles it’s still 40%.

Stellantis, Uliano invites to increase production

The increase in Stellantis production in Italy is necessary according to Uliano

As for the productionthe secretary insists on the need for a 30% increase to reach one million vehicles produced in Italy.

We need to improve efficiency, reduce energy costs and support the transformation of related industries. We want this increase in existing sites, such as Mirafiori, which is suffering more than others. The government needs to focus on this and push Stellantis. If they only carry assembly with external components, the impact will be minimal. However, if they involve the local supply chain and battery production, the effect will be significant. We need a concrete plan, we have not yet seen real projects in this sense.

According to the new leader of Fim-Cisl, it would be important to carefully evaluate the arrival of new manufacturers in Italy. The automotive industry is a key sector for the Italian economy, and the decisions made today will have a lasting impact. With the announcement of the 8-hour strike on April 12, the unions show their determination to fight for workers’ rights and for a sustainable future for the industry. Uliano concludes like this:

It is essential that Stellantis and the government work together to ensure that Italy remains at the heart of European automotive production.

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