Stop al telemarketing molesto, arriva il Registro delle Opposizioni per cellulari thumbnail

Stop to harassing telemarketing, the Register of Oppositions for mobile phones arrives

From 27 July 2022 comes into operation on Register of Oppositions, which allows you to stop telephone calls from telemarketing operators even on mobile phones and smartphones. This free tool of the Ministry of Economic Development exists for i fixed numbers since 2010 but only now it also arrives on smartphones. And it’s not the only service available to counter harassing marketing.

How to stop harassing telemarketing with the Mobile Opposition Registry

In Italy there are 78 million mobile users and all these can be registered in the Register of Oppositions. Telemarketers will not be able to call the numbers in this register. Signing up is really simple, you can do it both from site and via email (to a[email protected]), or by calling the toll-free number 800 265 265 or by sending a fax to 06.54224822.

Once the request has been made, the calls will be blocked within 15 days. All companies in the sector registered in the ROC (the Register of Communication Operators), all those that respect the law, must check the register before calling.

public register mobile phone opposition telemarketing min

Lelio Borgherese, president of Assocontact, the National Association of Business Process Outsourcers, explains that this result is the work of long and laborious work. “We have been committed for years to ensure that citizens are offered tools of protection, transparency and correct information. The entry into operation of the Register of Oppositions is a step forward but it is not enough to counter illegal enterpriseswho, operating outside any control and discipline action, are the real harassers of the citizens. “

For Borghese, therefore, there is a need for further interventions: “For this together with others Associations (Asstel, Asseprim, Assocall, DMA Italia and Oic), with Confindustria and Confcommercio we have opened public consultations on the Code of Conduct, a project developed in recent months to strengthen compliance with the regulations on the processing of personal data and promote virtuous behavior along the entire supply chain, also in order to rebuild the relationship of trust between citizens, us, the Brands and the Institutions. “

In addition to the Code of Conduct, AssoContact thinks there is a need for other measures such as:

  • Smart Contract, which protects contracts between consumers and those who sell online with the blockchain protocol. If it does not meet certain requirements, it lapses.
  • Golden Numer: each seller should have a single phone number, as is already the case for Telco operators. This way consumers can recognize who is calling.
  • ID Authenticatorwhich favors the recognition of the number.

Call Center and Contact Center are worth 2.8 billion euros according to Studio Ambrosetti and they are continuing to grow. Also encouraging the hiring of young people and women, with a higher average of permanent contracts. It is therefore necessary to protect this industry and hit those who do not respect the rules, an advantage both for those who work and for consumers.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.