Disservizi streaming: come presentare un reclamo al Garante delle Comunicazioni thumbnail

Streaming disservices: here’s how to make a complaint to the Communications Guarantor

Streaming disservices: how to file a complaint with the Communications Guarantor thumbnail

Despite the huge leaps in technology in recent years, the problems are often cumbersome. Think of the first years of Serie A in streaming, amid consumer complaints and silenced exhibits. But that’s not all: platforms for movies and TV series, sports and much more. In short, streaming disservices, unfortunately, exist even if you pay exorbitant monthly fees: from today, however, it is possible to formalize the official complaint to the Communications Guarantor.

ConciliaWeb to make a complaint in the event of streaming disservices

Just today theAGCOM – Authority for Communications Guarantees – made it known that users will be able to make their reports, in an official manner, through ConciliaWeb. The latter is the official AGCOM platform, which will now also support i complaints for PayTV and streaming TV.

This means that anyone who has an active subscription to a given streaming service (be it DAZN, Disney+, Netflix, Prime Video ecc.) may file a complaint in the event of disruption. Claims can be made for both live events (e.g. football matches) and on-demand content such as TV series and catalog films. Not only that: AGCOM also aims to include all other video platforms, such as YouTube, Twitch, Facebook Watch and even TikTok.

You can consult ConciliaWeb at this link.

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Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.