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Stroke of Chance: the trailer of the film by Woody Allen

Long awaited as Woody Allen’s fiftieth film but also the first filmed in French and entirely in Paris, here is the original trailer for Coup de chance which will arrive in Italy distributed by Lucky Red

Il trailer di Stroke it fiftieth film by Woody Allen, was released in the past few days. It is the French cinema sites that have launched the minute and forty edited by Alisa Lepselter with photography by Vittorio Storaro in which for the first time we can read “written and directed by Woody Allen” in French, with the director’s trademark font, the white Windsor on a black background. It is indeed about a film entirely shot in French whose shooting took place in Paris. This was in fact the only possible way for the New York director, who has been at the center of allegations of molestation of his daughter Dylan in recent years, to be able to continue making his films.

The trailer for Coup de Chance, Woody Allen’s latest film

Coup de chance was filmed in Paris in autumn 2022 with a budget of 20 million dollars and has recently found a large independent French distributor, Metropolitan FilmExport, which will allow him an important exit beyond the Alps. In Italy, however, it is Lucky Red to distribute it in theaters, with a release date still unknown but which should coincide with the end of September. Even considering this data, the rumors want it to be there Venice Film Festival to show it as a world premiere. After all, the French cast – many US actors have publicly refused to go back to acting for him – is very respectable: Valerie Lemercier, Niels Schneider, Lou de Laage and the fetish actor of Ozon and of much French art house cinema, Melvil Poupaud. Virtually nothing is known about the plot of the film except from the few words released by Allen some time ago and from the images that can be seen in the trailer, but it could settle between comedy and thriller. We will of course keep you updated on our page dedicated to films and TV series.

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Magdalena Skrok is an accomplished writer who delves into the realm of new movies and TV series. With an unwavering passion for cinematic storytelling, Magdalena keeps readers informed about the latest releases, upcoming projects, and exciting developments in the world of entertainment.