La recensione di Sunday Gold, un "ibrido" avvincente ma poco profondo thumbnail

Sunday Gold review, a compelling but shallow ‘hybrid’

Are you looking for a new adventure, perhaps set in one Great Britain cyberpunk style complete with talking cars and cyborgs? Then we consider that Sunday Gold is right for you: let’s find out all the details of this particular title with this one review.

Sunday Gold, the review: a compelling hybrid

Sunday Gold it’s aturn-based point-and-click adventure set in a dark and dystopian future, surreal and decidedly particular. We are in one London from the future, dystopian and completely different from what we know. The story follows Frank, Sally e Gavin: Three hapless crooks team up to expose i twisted experiments of a greedy billionaire and earn a nice sum.

Sunday Gold si mostra particular ed Interesting immediately, and the credit is his gory and gorgeous comic animations. Behind this world that appears to be far too surreal and chaotic, they actually hide many little truths concerning modern life and perhaps this is precisely what drives us to play more and more.

As mentioned above, Sunday Gold is set in a Gran Bretagna cyberpunk and offers various settings characterized by numerous details and, as a point and click, we shall have an obligation to solve various puzzles and use key objects correctly that we find in the course of our little exploration. However, this point and click adds a really interesting novelty, which completely changes the cards on the table: Sunday Gold is also a turn-based action game.

Between one session and another of solving puzzles, we get involved in tactical fights, which will allow us to use our team of protagonists. We really enjoyed this hybrid in which both genres merge into one genrethus giving an experience different from the usual and very compelling.

As for the inventory, weapons e objects that we find while solving puzzles can later be used for equip the three protagonists before each fight. You can also use fights for if you wish accumulate extra action points and thus avoid wasting more turns in the puzzle segments. We will not find ourselves faced with overly complicated puzzles and fights; however, the synergy between the two genres create something original – at least in the first few minutes of the game.

Environments and characters

sunday gold recensione tech princess

In addition to offering a very interesting hybrid genre, Sunday Gold lends itself particular attention to the environment that surrounds us. The style used to make this world is incredible; is characterized by comic style images with lots of characters that at times seem to be real caricature. We are then inside aenvironments full of details and we will therefore have quite a bit to explore, especially if you are curious.

Another element that allows the game to stand out is its own characterscharacterized by a peculiar appearance – as mentioned – and from bubbly personalities it’s a lot funny. However the hybrid genre and these elements they can’t keep the title up. Humor and satire aside, Sunday Gold features a banal plot e devoid of personality. There are no twists and there is an annoying sense of what has already been experienced.

Don’t get us wrong, we really appreciated all the ideas that stand out within the title. The problem is that the whole is flatwithout depth e thickness. It’s like something is missing that doesn’t allow Sunday Gold to shine as it should.

The fights are quite fun but at some point we will realize that they are all equal and in the long run they too will become trivial. The puzzles however are relatively simple and they don’t offer us that sense of satisfaction that we would have loved to try.

In conclusion

Sunday Gold introduces many original and new ideas. We have the hybrid genre, which will always continue to amaze us; a stress mechanics which requires the player to closely monitor the characters’ stress levels to prevent them from hallucinating; later, les are also introduced choices. In short, the title contains many interesting ideas but we believe that BKOM Studios failed to make the most of theminevitably losing some pieces along the way.

All in all though our gaming experience was fun and we appreciated it. So if you are looking for a title that can surprise you even without twists and a simple plot, then we advise you to give it a chance. Sunday Gold is now available on PC via Steam.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.