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Swappie: 43% of users don’t plan to sell their old iPhone in 2023

Swappiea leading European company in the purchase, refurbishment and sale of iPhones, reveals the results of a research conducted by Kantar, demonstrating that too many iPhones are no longer used and end up in drawers at home instead of returning, thanks to circular economy practices, to the hands of other users. Considering the macroeconomic trends that most hold consumers back from making purchases, Kantar research shows that one of the first barriers is the lack of awareness of this possibility: well 47% of those interviewed do not know that they can obtain financial compensation for a broken or damaged iPhonelet alone for a working device.

Swappie, how users sell their phones according to his research

The aforementioned trend is shifting, but some time is still needed to reach full awareness of circularity as a reference model for owning technological products. There selling a device via marketplace remains the main solution for getting rid of a device no longer used (43%), followed by selling to a friend or relative (38%), and finally the selling to an electronics or retail store (25%).

On the other hand, regarding the fate of working devices that users choose to keep with them, 70% want to keep their no longer used iPhone as a backup phonewhile the 17% believes it is too much effort to sell the device. While on the one hand the services offered by circular economy operators continue to improve, on the other it is necessary to convince consumers of the validity of refurbished products as a purchasing choice.

Reliable and secure companies like Swappie are setting new benchmarks for quality and ease of sale, meaning that for those willing to sell their old devices there is a smart way to save money and do good for everyone. ‘environment.


Emissions from the production of iPhones

From fashion to energy, the conversation about more sustainable processes for using and reusing consumer goods is starting to spread. For this reason, the sale of old iPhones represents a victory for both the consumer and the environment: during the iPhone manufacturing process emits between 85% and 95% of emissions. By eliminating this step and tapping into the variety of devices that work like new, available from established and trusted iPhone retailers like Swappie, users earn money and reduce the impact of their technology on the planet.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.