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Swipe Night is back on Tinder, with a mystery to solve

its Tinder returns the Swipe Night, the interactive game to play with possible matches, with a new thriller-themed plot: the Killer Weekend. Sunday November 7 at 6pm you can attend a birthday party where “something goes terribly wrong”, with the chance to find new people during this intriguing experience.

Su Tinder torna la Swipe Night: Killer Weekend

Even in this second iteration, the basic rules of Swipe Night remain the same. Attendees will use Tinder’s iconic Swipe feature, but this time not to find a possible partner. In fact they will find themselves immersed as protagonists in a yellow plot to be solved. With the Swipe, you will make ten different choices, each of which will lead you to explore differently, finding different clues and investigating independently. Kind of like an old book-game or text-based video game, but inside the dating app.

At the end of each game week, you will need to select a suspect of yours. Based on this choice you will be paired with someone in Fast Chat, someone who chose a different suspect. This way you can compare yourself with who you saw, analyzing the clues and trying to solve the mystery together, combining your points of view.

swipe night tinder killer weekend-min

Kyle Miller, VP of Product di Tinder explains: “Swipe Night was our first big experiment to test if members wanted to try something more than the classic Swipe, and the answer was blatantly ‘yes’. The evolution of Swipe Night, and all the experiences available on Tinder, allows members to break the ice in fun and natural ways. We opted for the mystery genre because it is really a great conversation hook and will be a unique opportunity to get to know your partner by investigating the mysterious crime together ”.

The last Swipe Night saw 20 million attendees, with matches increasing by 26% during the experience. It can be a really cool opportunity to get to know someone. The experience and Fast Chats will be live on November 7th from 6pm to midnight, but you can relive the experience directed by Sasie Sealy and made by a young cast.

If you haven’t done so yet, fix your bio and rediscover your investigative spirit for Swipe Night.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.