Teoresi premia l’innovazione elettronica dei giovani ingegneri alla Formula SAE Italy 2023 thumbnail

Teoresi rewards the electronic innovation of young engineers at Formula SAE Italy 2023

Teoresi has awarded the TeoRace Special Award to the UniUD team of the University of Udine for the most innovative software development in the automotive sector, during the 2023 edition of Formula SAE Italy.

Formula SAE: Teoresi assigns the TeoRace Award to the most innovative project

The international engineering company Teoresi awarded the most innovative embedded software development process in the automotive sector. The TeoRace Special Award is presented on the occasion of Formula SAE Italy to the best development process of electronics in racing cars. In this 2023 edition, the competition saw 56 university teams compete against each other from all over the world.

With the Teoresi award, the young engineers of the UniUD E-Racing Team of the University of Udine have obtained an innovative tool for design. It’s about Intrepid Control Systemsa tool that allows the management of on-board vehicle communication networks, diagnostics and calibration.

The team stood out for having set up an embedded software development process in accordance with the most innovative business practices. In particular, it has implemented a remote software update system, real-time telemetry, use of continuous integration and deployment practices, custom hardware design.

Teoresi Group.

A cutting-edge reality in the automotive world

Teoresi Group is an international engineering company born in Turin in 1987 and today present in 4 countries. Of its 20 operational offices, 11 are located in Italy (Turin, Milan, Modena, Rome, Naples). There collaboration with universities and polytechnics it allows you to attract talent and act as a bridge between academia and business. Furthermore, thanks to this activity, in the last five years the group has increased its employees by 86%.

With global expertise in engineering and machine learning, Teoresi deals with develop machine intelligence, adding the “brain” that makes them smart to devices. In fact, the company supports companies in creating projects with the most cutting-edge technologies: from nanotechnologies applied to the medical field to electric and self-driving cars.

For Teoresi, Formula SAE Italy is an opportunity to network and get in touch with engineering students, potential resources to be included in the company. With this goal, the group has been supporting Formula SAE Italy since 2016, confirming itself as a cutting-edge reality in the automotive world. In the 2022 edition, it was the UniNa Corse – Squadra Corse Federico II team from Naples that won the Teorace trophy.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.