La connessione 4G arriverà sulla Luna thumbnail

The 4G connection arrives on the Moon

The 4G connection will arrive on the Moon thumbnail

The internet connection is now present all over the planet, and thanks to Nokia’s 4G network it will also arrive on the Moon (literally) in the future. This means that in the future, visitors will be able to share selfies from the Moon in real time and astronauts will be able to drive rovers remotely from Earth.

The Finnish communications giant had announced its intention to bring its 4G network to the moon during last month’s Mobile World Congress. Nokia plans to launch the first antenna later this year. The operation will be managed through the US space company Intuitive Machineswhich will send its lunar lander to the moon Nova-C with a SpaceX rocket. The lander will feature an antenna that will allow the spacecraft to be managed via the Internet.

What will happen once there is a 4G connection on the Moon

Although it is very exciting to imagine selfies shared directly from the Moon, the applications of the 4G network will be much more scientific. Nokia hopes to integrate the network into the crew’s operations Artemis 1the next planned space mission to the Moon.

Astronauts will be able to use the network to communicate with each other and with mission control. They will also be able to remotely pilot the rovers and transmit video in real time. It is currently unclear when the rocket containing the antenna will launch. However, according to the most optimistic views, this could happen by 2023.

“If the hardware is as ready and validated as it looks, there’s a good chance they could launch in 2023, provided their launch partner’s schedule doesn’t experience any setbacks or delays,” he said. Anshel Caseprincipal analyst at Moor Insights & Strategy.

  • Mark Brunasso

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Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.